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这种新式玻璃瓶口,易于开启。This new type of Bottle is easy to uncap.

这是一张可怕的新式武器的图片。This is a picture of terrible new weapons.

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这种新式武器太惨无人道而不宜使用。The new weapon was too inhumane to be used.

内存是新式磁盘,磁盘是新式磁带机。Memory is the new disk. Disk is the new tape.

起初我们还当它是一种新式恶搞。We thought it was just some type of new tagger.

这架新式飞机以两倍于音速的速度飞行。The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound.

这是由新式纸杯蛋糕制作的80后主题的生日蛋糕。s themed birthday cupcakes made by Cupcakes Nouveau.

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本实用新型涉及一种新式轴头密封。The utility model relates to a novel shaft head seal.

思辨创新式阅读是一种解构阅读。Innovative textual reading is a deconstructive reading.

一种新式建筑用接插件,多用于支撑结构和脚手架中。A connector for building is composed of plug and socket.

中国尚少新式的资本主义的农业。There is as yet little modern capitalist farming in China.

为两广培养了许多新式人才。It educated a lot of new talents for Guangdong and Guangxi.

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来自MACKDADDY的新式未来主义太阳镜。New-age futuristic “Line” sunglasses design from MACKDADDY.

毁学是一种群体性破坏新式教育的暴力行为。School destruction is a group aggro to destroy new education.

这是一种新式女裙,它会很快流行起来。This is a new fashion of skirts and it will catch on quickly.

Objective-J是一个基于Objective-C的新式编程语言。Objective-J is a new programminglanguage based on Objective-C.

目前,编程只不过是一种新式“炼金术”。For now, programming is little more than a new-fangled alchemy.

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这种新式火箭由军方进行了广泛的测试和调试。The new rocket was extensively tested and debugged by the army.

新式农具既轻巧,又出活。The improved farm tools are efficient as well as easy to handle.

这种新式轿车被大吹大擂地介绍给了公众。The new sedan was introduced to the public with a lot of whoopla.