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他们的工作就是“淘洗沙子”。Their job is "panning for gold".

他们淘洗金沙,把金子分离出来。They cradled the gold to separate the gold.

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寻找黄金的唯一方法是用锅来淘洗。The only way to find this gold was by panning.

用来淘洗瓷土等原料的。Used for washing porcelain clay and stuff like that.

纤维指数用圆锥淘洗法测量。Fiber index is measured using the conical elutriation method.

通过三轮生物淘洗过程,噬菌体克隆得到富集。After three rounds biopanning, the phage clones have enriched.

他们在那条小河里淘洗了一个星期,但没有淘出金子。They had been working in the stream for a week but they hadn't panned out.

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麦子要淘洗干净,在30℃的温度下盖湿布发芽。Wheat to washing clean, the temperature at 30 ℃ under the cover cloth germination.

将大米淘洗净,以豆浆煮米作粥,熟后加糖调服。Net to put the rice washing cook rice porridge soya-bean milk for cooked sugar tone takes.

据说,用一个水盒淘洗河里的砂子就可以很容易地把金子筛选出来。Peope said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.

爱情的美丽,在包容中绽放,情感的纯真,在坦诚中淘洗。Love the beauty of blooming in the inclusion, feelings of innocence, in a frank in elutriation.

介绍了齐齐哈尔黑粘土和淘洗高岭土的矿物类型、原料特性。The mineral nature and material particulars of Qiqihar black clay and floated kaolin are described.

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但是后来,人们建成了一次可以淘洗好几吨泥垢的大型机器,淘金也就消失了。But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time. Panning died out.

在第一个淘洗池前方还需另设一排沙槽,以清除杂物。There should also be a sand exhausting ditch in front of the washing pond in order to remove impurities.

方法以R1JHL单克隆抗体作为筛选分子,生物淘洗噬菌体展示随机12肽文库。Methods R1JHLmcAb was used as target to screen the binding peptide from a 12-mer Ph. D. random peptide library.

演员们称,这种批评淘洗了一部话剧,有时候这种抨击反而造就了成功。The pans should have washed out the play, but as actors have pointed out, sometimes, a critic's pan turns up gold.

稻米是世界人民的主食,但是在加工、淘洗过程中其营养素损失严重。Rice is the people's staple food in world, but the nutrition simples lose seriously in processing and washing process.

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疏密有间的柳篮,在冬天的早晨则成了母亲淘洗红薯的家当。And the wicker basket with the even density was the tool for mother to wash the sweet potatoes in the morning of winter.

催芽期间每天用清水淘洗1-2次,一般经24-30小时后多数种子均会发芽。Each day during germination with water washing 1-2 times, generally by 24-30 hours after the most seeds are germination.

发现金矿的矿主有权对附近土地和溪流主张权利,以淘洗金块上的泥土。A miner finding a gold seam would claim the land and water from the nearest creek to wash dirt away from the precious nuggets.