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好,这是一种经验主义。OK, so that's one kind of empiricism.

经验主义者有洛克,柏克莱和休谟。And the empiricists are Locke, Berkeley and Hume.

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正是从这个意义上说,孔德抛弃了经验主义。It is in this sense that Comte repudiates empiricism.

行动和尝试是经验主义的基石。Action and experimentation are the cornerstones of empiricism.

这个理由并不充分,犯了经验主义错误。This reason was not full, violates the empiricism to be wrong.

从经验主义的观点看,这是一个令人困惑的局面。From an empiricist point of view, this is a baffling situation.

洛克之前培根和霍布斯堪称英国经验主义双璧。Before Locke, Becon and Hobbes are two supreme British empiricists.

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不过,经验主义可以体现在不同方面。But there are different respects in which one can be an empiricist.

这部电影还没出现前,丹尼斯就是经验主义者。Dennis was an empiricist before the movie was on the drawing board.

另一种经验主义与我们从哪里获取知识有关。Another kind of empiricism has to do with where we get our knowledge.

他作为英国最早的经验主义者而享有盛誉,其他还有柏克莱和休谟。He is famous as the first British empiricist, Locke, Berkeley and Hume.

所以罗蒂主张保留实用主义而把经验主义加以剔除。Because of this, Rorty claims reserve Pragmatism and give up Empiricism.

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但是,“缓冲理论”似乎建立在薄弱的经验主义基础之上的。Yet the “buffer theory” seems to be based on weak empirical foundations.

本质上来说,经验主义者十分重视经验。Essentially an empiricist is someone who puts a lot of weight on experience.

在这种情况下,我们打算举起RDT的概念性本质到经验主义的察视。In doing so, we aim to elevate the conceptual nature of RDT to empirical scrutiny.

他这一次所犯的错误,性质属于右倾的错误,属于经验主义性质的错误。The mistakes he has made this time are Right deviationist and empiricist in nature.

整体上讲冷锻工艺流程的设计还十分依赖于经验主义的规则。Cold forging process design is still highly based on empirical rules and experience.

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尔勒·科夫不同,他开始和丹尼斯开始谈英国的经验主义。Erle Keefer, on the other hand, started talking about British empiricism with Dennis.

如果闲话朝着像你一样讨厌女人的人袭来时,其他人肯定认为那只是一种经验主义的说明。If that strikes you as misogynistic, rest assured it’s merely an empirical statement.

理性主义与经验主义作为一种认识论,原旨在于探求认识世界的途径与方法。The original purpose of rationalism and empiricism is to find ways to know the world.