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口头说三昧。Paying lip service to samadhi.

我已口头通知他了。I have informed him by word of mouth.

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而且是通常是口头表演。And it's usually a verbal performance.

他应该给我一个口头警告才是呀。He should have given me a ticking-off.

你成为了某一目标的口头拥护者。You are a vocal proponent for a cause.

我与一家公司达成了一个口头协议。I made an oral agreement with a company.

边疆幽默有一大部分是由口头传述的。A great deal of frontier humour was oral.

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口头讨论全家照。Oral discussion about the family pictures.

我们将口头对这一问题做个表决。We shall take a voice vote on this problem.

而他的口头性可以被文学话的描述。And his orality could be described literally.

其实我妈妈祗是口头上告诉DC怎麽做这道菜。My mom told DC how to make the dish verbally.

你的口头报告结果如何?What was the result of your oral presentation?

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对于我要求你做的事,别只是口头敷衍。Don't just pay lip-service to what I ask of you.

但我们要付诸实施,不能停留在口头上。But now we have to execute, not only say the words.

中国按照惯例提出了口头抗议。China has responded with pro forma verbal protests.

与考官一对一的口头考试,verbal exams on a one-to-one basis with an examiner

“语文”是汉语口头语言与书面语言的合称。It is made up of spoken Chinese and written Chinese.

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我们并不相信我们口头的说法。We don't really believe what we give lip service to.

你既然已经做了决定,就相当于是口头契约。You've already decided, it's like a verbal contract.

在你们写之前,我想让你们先口头练一下。Before you start to write, please do it orally first.