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内心超然并非漠然尘网!Inner detachment is not indifference!

里德利以一种吹毛求疵的超然态度看待他的作品。Ridley viewed his work with a cynical detachment.

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他主要的本事似乎是超然不群。His chief equipment seems to be disinterestedness.

现在希望日本超然事外的梦想已经全部破灭了。Now all hope that Japan might remain aloof is gone.

这来自奎师那的帮助时超然的快乐。This sort of help from Krishna is transcendental happiness.

这种超然的感觉可以让你更好的控制思想和它的喋喋不休。Detachment gives a better control of the mind and its chatter.

卧室布置得很秀雅,品味超然。His bedroom is in elegant arrangement with an extraordinary taste.

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同时他也热心于慈善,总的来说他的一切都近乎超然But he also has a philanthropic side so it all comes out very well.

集合是出自赞美诗制带的材料,但是我觉得奇妙超然。The congregation was belting out hymns, but I felt strangely detached.

然后我会尽我所能保持思想开阔以及对结果超然。And then I do my best to remain open-minded and detached from outcomes.

在刑事诉讼中,鉴定人处于独立和超然的地位。In Criminal procedure, expert witness is independent and unprejudicial.

不要将批评看成是你个人的事,以一种超然的角度来看待批评。Don’t take criticism personally. Look at it from a detached perspective.

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难道这又是一个关于“第六感”或超然能力的特殊案例?Is this another case of a special "sixth sense" or supernatural ability?

“缪勒夫人吗?”他问,温和、超然的蓝眼睛微笑地朝下看着她。Mrs. Mueller?" he asked, smiling down at her with kind, aloof blue eyes."

奥巴马缺乏的是内部圈子之外即明智又超然的顾问。What Mr Obama lacks is wise, detached counsel from outside his inner circle.

卡特那事无巨细都要过问的微观管理方式导致了罗纳尔多·里根的冷静超然的倾向的产生。Carter's micromanagement encouraged Ronald Reagan's propensity for detachment.

我知道我正在接受由一位不可思忆的人而来的某种超然的东西。And I knew I was receiving something extraordinary from an extraordinary Being.

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瑜伽超然于娇柔做作式的生命和关系。Yoga is a state of aloofness from the artificialities of life and relationship.

你自由了,超然了,直奔向你想要的生活吧!You become free, featherweight and empowered to lead the life you were meant to!

第三,无爱的生物就像一尊超然独立的竖琴,爱,如拨动琴弦的美丽手臂和纤纤玉指,使空气中弥漫着悦耳的旋律。III. Another image might be of the harp that stands by itself in golden aloofness.