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那么你宁愿旅居海外啦?。So you prefer living abroad?

旅居国外也是有得有失。There are trade-offs to being an expat.

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目前我又成了文明生活的旅居者。At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.

马友友出生于1955年,父母是旅居巴黎的中国人。Yo-Yo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents living in Paris.

他相信旅居海外的中国美术家将会走出一条新的道路来。He believes the abroad Chinese artists will come out a new way.

他与太太得灵及他们的2个孩子目前旅居在德国。He now lives in Germany with his wife Deling and their 2 children.

一个国家在改变,旅居国外的人总是最后知道的。When a country changes things, the diaspora can be the last to know.

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丹麦艺术家安露·拉姆达斯旅居此地,平日游荡街头。The Danish artist Anu Ramdas lives here and wanders the streets everyday.

道路车辆。旅居车和轻型挂车的偶合球。尺寸。Road vehicles. Coupling balls for caravans and light trailers. Dimensions.

她眼中流露出对她的旅居海外的女儿的忧虑。In her eyes was shown her anxiety about her daughter who is living overseas.

我旅居的城市里,巴黎是唯一一个人们真心在乎艺术的城市。Paris is the only city I've lived in where people genuinely cared about art.

2001年末旅居上海做职业画家与自由撰稿人。At the end of 2001, I moved to Shanghai to be a career artist and free writer.

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对于美国人来说,旅居海外以从新开始变得很正常。For Americans, traveling abroad to start over is becoming increasingly common.

旅居海外华侨众多,是个著名侨乡。Many overseas Chinese living abroad, is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese.

十五岁的雪花,被旅居海外的姨妈接走。Snowflake of 15 years old, the maternal aunt that is resided abroad is received.

纪伯伦是20世纪之交旅居美国的阿拉伯画家和作家。Gibran is an Arabian painter and writer residing U. S. A at the turn of the 20th century.

也许旅居国外更轻松一些吧,因为我在新泽西一直觉得自己有点像移民。Perhaps becoming an expat was easier because I've long felt like something of an immigrant.

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阿库尼丽说,这位年轻的尼日利亚人旅居国外的这段时间受到了不好的影响。Akunyili says the young Nigerian may have been influenced negatively during his stay abroad.

其他美国火星机器人——“旅居者号”,“勇气号”和“机遇号”——检测到元素氯。Other U. S. Mars robots — the Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity —detected elemental chlorine.

她自我标榜是“旅居专家”,曾周游列国与大量在国外生活的人交谈过。She bills herself as 'the expat expert' and travels around the world speaking to expat groups.