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我竞选是要当美国军队总司令!I'm running to be commander in chief!

他向总司令作了汇报。He rendered a report to the commander-in-chief.

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他不久就接替霞飞担任总司令职务。He soon succeeded joffre as commander-in-chief.

总司令是疯狂的无法饥饿地到达。Commander-in-chief was mad cannot arrive hungrily.

作为总司令,我为他们的付出感到骄傲。As Commander-in-Chief, I am proud of their service.

2011年,我称他是“机械呆板的维持者总司令”。In 2011, I called him "a robotic Sustainer-in-Chief."

它被自己的总司令阿卜杜勒•拉扎克控制。It is controlled by its own generalissimo, Abdul Razziq.

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是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。It is this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief.

老天保佑,我们的总司令仍在襁褓当中。Gods be good, our Lord Commander's still in swaddling clothes.

一个骑着马的人带着总司令的命令嗒嗒地飞奔而来。A rider came pounding up with an order from the commander in chief.

周至柔,当时任国民党军空军总司令。Chou Chih-jou was commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang's air force.

一个骑着马的人带着总司令的命令嗒嗒地飞奔而来。A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander.

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库图佐夫总司令的大本营也坐落在布劳瑙。Braunau was the chief headquarters of the commander-in-chief, Kutuzov.

我们的总司令,我们的领袖,我们的保护者在哪里?他在哪里?Where is our commander in chief, our leader, our protecter? Where is he?

总统写道,“请转告他,他的总司令‘非常感谢你的服役!’Please tell him ‘thank you for your service’ from his commander in chief!

新疆警备总司令陶峙岳率部通电起义。Xinjiang police commander in chief TaoShiYue effort to electrify uprising.

哪一位总统是美国第一任陆海军总司令?Which President was the first Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Army and Navy?

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委员会会见了和当时的美国大陆军总司令乔治华盛顿。The committee met with George Washington, head of the American Continental Army.

你是我唯一可以容忍的总司令人选,你最好记得这一点。You are only lord commander by my sufferance. You would do well to remember that.

关键时刻,总司令来电,免除杉木死罪,降为少佐。Critical moment, commander in chief calls, exempt from Chinese fir death, to assist.