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圣阿弗拉哈提斯于公元370年去世。He died in the year 370.

乔治一世死于公元1727年。George I died in A. D. 1727.

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从稳定期到公元950年Period of stability to A.D. 950

公元60年的时候,此处发生一次巨大的地震。In AD60 a huge earthquake struck.

勒迈里判断该墓志铭的年代为公元63年。Lemaire dates the object to 63 A.

最著名的一次发生在公元1054年。The most famous occurred in A.D. 1054.

贾思勰糊口在公元六世纪强大。Jia Sixie lived in the sixth century AD.

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这座历史名城建于公元912年。This historical city was founded in 912.

这座塔可能建于公元11年至12年间。The tower probably dates from A.D. 11-12.

公元638年穆斯林人占领了耶路撒冷。In 638 the Moslems had captured Jerusalem.

现在我们讲到了公历纪元,所以是公元66年。Now we're in the Common Era,so this 66 CE.

诺曼人于公元1066年征服了英国。The Normans conquered England in 1066 A. D.

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他最后于公元1728年的一个晚上离开了麦加。He at last left Mecca on a night in AD 1728.

竞技场的演出用途到了公元608年才告结束。The Coliseum was used for shows until 608 AD.

国际象棋大约发明于公元600年。Chess was invented round about the year 600AD.

公元1590年,威尼斯共和国在处于衰败的险恶困境之中。In 1590 the Republic of Venice was in decline.

公元1176年,第一座石桥建起来了。In 1176 the first stone bridge was constructed.

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早在公元9世纪就产生了瓷器。Porcelain was made as early as the 9th century.

公元1368年,朱元璋建立明朝,建元洪武。In 1368, Chu Yuanzhang established Ming Dynasty.

到公元476年,西罗马便不复存在了。By AD 476 the western empire had ceased to exist.