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小黑羊过着寄人篱下的日子,经常伤心落泪。Small Hei Yang lives ovine life, often sad weep.

你们知道,寄人篱下的生活是不好受的。You know the bitter taste of living under somebody else's thumb.

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梦露后来描述说,那些寄人篱下的日子有时是非常痛苦的。The actress later would describe her stays with these foster families as sometimes very unhappy.

寄人篱下,毕竟不能在人前大摇大摆,藏在暗处可偷得安逸。这是猫的生存哲学。Living under people's roof, you can't cat walk. Low profile allows an easy life-cat's philosophy.

在过去寄人篱下的日子里,她习惯于带着道森家的孩子们在乡村里长途漫游,三英里的路程,她觉得是算不了什么的。Dawson's children in her old days of dependence, and she thought very little of a distance of three miles.

但六岁后,她的生活发生了很大的变化,父母相继而亡,她被迫寄人篱下。But six years later, her life has greatly changed, the parents have died, she was forced to depend on others.

此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home.

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在她交好运的时期里,正如在她过去寄人篱下的日子里一样,不论她走到哪儿,她仿佛把阳光和欢乐也随身带去了。In her better fortunes, as in her old days of dependence, wherever she went she seemed to take sunshine and gladness with her.

然而由于贫富的不等、地位的差别,使这位从小寄人篱下的家庭女教师,不敢敞开心扉。Whereas the difference in property and status prevented the female tutor who had always depended on others for a living open her heart to him.

随着中日势力在朝鲜半岛的角逐,华商经历了由天朝上民到寄人篱下的起落。With the rivalry between Chinese and Japanese forces on the Korean Peninsula, overseas Chinese merchants experienced the process of ups and downs.

对于掌控人生你有着强烈的愿望,并且是个非常独立并不太愿意寄人篱下工作的人,这可能会在你年轻的时候带来一定的问题。You have a great need to be in control of your life You are very independent and do not like working under someone, which can create problems while you are young.

我母亲在北京寄人篱下,靠给街道上编织塑料网袋,每月挣十来块钱生活,我没有面皮再向她老人家要求寄什么东西。My mother depended on others for living in Beijing, she just got about RMB10. 00 every month for weaving plastic tuck nets, I could not ask her to give me anything.

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一个寄人篱下,被剥夺了自我主权意志特性的柔弱女子,在社会权力、家庭权力和道德权力的压抑下,是不会有幸福可言的。A living off others, deprived of self-sovereignty of the weak and women will feature, in social power, family power and moral authority of the depression, the is no happiness in.

童年的贫穷以及寄人篱下的生活留给作家萧乾的是痛苦的记忆,但当形之于有形的文字时,萧乾却采取了一种别样的叙述风格。The poor living condition during his childhood and life under subjugation leave painful memory for XiaoQian. But when he shapes it in visible words, he adopts a different kind of narration style.