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多层牛皮纸袋。Multi-layer kraft paper bag.

内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸。Lined with Moist Proof Paper & Kraft Paper.

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三层牛皮纸袋,每袋净重约40公斤。In 3-ply kraft paper of about 40kg net each.

牛皮纸上保留了照片的剪贴簿页面。Vellum preserves photographs on scrapbook pages.

其它袋用牛皮纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版。Other sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls or sheets.

其中的两张写在上好的牛皮纸上列出了受益人名字。Two were written on fine vellum and made out by name.

我买了本字典,并把它包在了牛皮纸里。I bought a dictionary and wrapped it up in brown paper.

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他用牛皮纸把玻璃窗上的洞糊上了。He was pasting up the holes in the glass with brown paper.

未漂白袋用牛皮纸,未涂布,卷筒或平版。Unbleached sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls or sheets.

首先我们要用到档案袋的牛皮纸来做书脊部分的封面。First we need the manilla cardboard for the spine of the cover.

用象牙白的牛皮纸打印商务邀请函为的是给人漂亮的感觉。Print the business invitation on ivory vellum paper for a classy touch.

我叹了口气,把手稿塞进牛皮纸信封,封上口。With a sigh, I slid the manuscript into the manila envelope and sealed it.

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布疋在装进木箱已往要用牛皮纸包好。The piece goods are to be wrapped in kraft IT, then packed in wooden cases.

布匹在装入木箱以前要用牛皮纸包好。The piece goods are to be wrapped in Kraft paper, then packed in wooden cases.

涂过色的手掌按到牛皮纸上,作为树枝Press your painted palm onto the craft paper. This will be the tree's branches.

在牛皮纸上搓揉生面并加上配料。Roll your dough on parchment paper, add toppings and lift it all onto the tile.

如果裂纹比较严重,也可以用牛皮纸或报纸补缝,效果可能更好一些。If more serious flaw can use kraft paper or newspaper fill jobs, the effect may be better.

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贵方所订薄花呢包装将采用双幅卷板,外包牛皮纸,然后装木箱。Corduroy is usually made up full width rolled on tube and then wrapped in polythene sheets.

一个邮寄来的包裹,用牛皮纸包着,上面的手迹非常熟悉。The package came in the mail, wrapped in brown paper and with a familiar hand script on it.

信封厂使用很多不同类型的纸张,从顶级的犊皮纸到牛皮纸。Envelope factories use many different types of paper, from top quality vellum to craft paper.