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建筑者司职营造。A builder is one who builds.

打个电话,发封邮件,写封信,营造一种慷慨的生活。Send an e-mail. Write a letter.

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为性满足营造良好的舞台Set the stage for satisfying sex

营造一个轻松的就寝时间Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

我营造了这份低摩擦的工作。I created this frictionless work.

四月在布拉格的一次演讲中,他声称自己想要营造一个无核的世界。He said he wants a nuclear-free world.

土生土长的房,全是捕鱼人营造的家。The local houses are all fishermen's homes.

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我们喜欢谈论如何营造我们的未来。We enjoy talking about how to build our future!

但是容坎营造出的是一个开放的系统。But it is an open system that Ryokan has created.

首先你需要为你的成功营造一个环境。You must first create a context for your success.

大力实施营造林建设工程。Afforestation will be carried out with great efforts.

打个电话,发封邮件,写封信,营造一种慷慨的生活。Write a letter, Get a life in which you are generous.

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我们如何用它来营造一个更加美好的世界。how can we use this to make the world a better place.

营造商星期五给他的工人发工钱。He eked out his wages by working evenings and Sundays.

有多少家公司投标争取那座桥的营造权?。How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge?

但这幅画营造出一种安静祥和且各司其职的家庭生活。Rather, it conjures up a quiet and dutiful domesticity.

海景云可以在营造氛围和对比度。Clouds in a seascape can create atmosphere and contrast.

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在澳门,龙舞和狮舞营造了新年的气氛。Dragon and lion dances create a festive spirit in Macao.

营造者的拒绝是很婉转的,这人无往而不婉转。The builder refused genially, as he did everything else.

运用混合的对比色可以营造一种很有活力的感觉。Use a mix of contrasting colors to create a dynamic feel.