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萨博能否长治久安尚不明朗。Whether Saab will survive in the long term is less clear.

不实行法制,社会难以实现长治久安。Without the rule of law, there will not be long-term order and security.

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如何深入民意,顺意民心才可以长治久安。How in-depth public opinion, meaning people can shun long-term stability.

我们说党的基本路线要管一百年,要长治久安,就要靠这一条。We should adhere to the Basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation.

安全文化是石化企业长治久安的唯一法宝。It is only a magic weapon for petrochemical enterprise to be stable long time.

法律是一个国家维持长治久安的主要条件。Law is the principal factor that can keep a country lastingly stable and peaceful.

两种手段并用,才能确保社会长治久安、稳定和谐。Only to use the two means equally, we can insure the society stable and harmonious.

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只是,对于这位完美主义者来说,固守长治久安是否已经足够?Just, to this completist , adherence long period of order and stability whether already enough?

维护改革发展稳定大局,实现国家长治久安!Safeguard the overall situation of reform, development and stability and achieve the country's long!

海洋关系国家长治久安和可持续发展。The seas and oceans bear on the enduring peace, lasting stability and sustainable development of China.

为维护社会的长治久安,应提倡科技兴警。In order to defend the social stability and security, police should be armed with science and technology.

最为黑暗残酷的极权就是在法律外壳与正义名义下的长治久安。There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.

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法家的严刑峻法、重赋繁役,恰恰成为秦统治者谋求长治久安的致命伤。Legalists of severe penalties, re-Fu-fan service, it seeks to become the ruler of Qin fatal long-term stability.

这就是要居安思危,存不忘亡,治不忘乱,这样才能长治久安。This is what we should be vigilant, keep forgetting death, governance forget chaos, so as to long-term stability.

在藏汉的历史上,佛法对于国家的长治久安也起着不可或缺的作用。In the history of Tibet, Buddhism has played an indispensable role in the country's long-term stability and welfare.

此次敦巴顿橡树园的会议旨在探讨怎样来构建一个公正的,长治久安的世界环境。The purpose of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference was to talk about ways to secure a just and lasting peace in the world.

培养和造就大批优秀人才是党和国家长治久安的根本大计。It is the basic matter to train and bring up large quantities of outstanding talents for country's long-term stability.

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维护新疆的长治久安,必须坚持党的民族、宗教政策。Maintaining the long-term stability and order of Xinjiang must insist on the nationality and religious policy of the Party.

矫治性犯罪青少年关系到社会的长治久安和青少年的健康成长。Correcting juvenile sex offenders is related to the long political stability of society and the healthy growth of juveniles.

贾谊政治哲学的目标在于建立一个统一、和谐的国家,实现社会的长治久安。The aim of Jia Yi's political philosophy wants to build a unity and harmonious country and make the society united and stable.