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你们能指挥这个吗Can you conduct this?

他指挥了那场战斗。He directed the battle.

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好,开始指挥Okay. Start conducting.

谁在指挥这项工作?Who is bossing this job?

他指挥一个管弦乐队。He directed an orchestra.

这艘船有金船长指挥。The ship is Captain King.

他不能委派代表来指挥。He can't delegate command.

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他在战斗中指挥过军士。He commanded men in battle.

三军指挥机构已加以充实。Navy command to enrich already.

今天晚上谁作指挥?Who is conducting this evening?

他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。He captained the siege of Berlin.

一切行为都要听从指挥。Of all acts must obey the command.

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一个炮兵连通常由一位上尉来指挥。They faced a battery of questions.

不能服从的人,就不能指挥。He that cannot obey, cannot command.

我派你做指挥I'm going to have you be a conductor.

这船由提督指挥。The ship is commanded by the general.

可是这古乐需要指挥吗?But does this really need a conductor?

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横穿马路时要留心看交通指挥灯。Cross with care at the traffic lights.

我一直想要当一个耍指挥棒的指挥。I always wanted to be a baton twirler.

整个指挥体系都垮了。The whole command structure had fallen.