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我的左脑里的一根脑血管崩裂了。A blood vessel exploded in the left half of my brain.

千叶县浦安市崩裂的路。A collapsed road in Urayasu city, in Chiba prefecture.

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中国经济的伤口会崩裂。The stitching on the Chinese economy could fray and burst.

由于风吹雨打日晒而崩裂的岩石化成了土壤。Rock that has been ground down by the elements becomes soil.

有时一块小卵石就足以使冰山崩裂。SOMETIMES it takes but a single pebble to start an avalanche.

这种不寻常的潮汐使得格陵兰的冰川崩裂成冰山。The unusual tides caused glaciers to calve icebergs off Greenland.

世代以来形成的关系也突然崩裂。Relations that have formed over generations are suddenly broken apart.

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用木条封的边轻易发潮或崩裂。The border that seals with batten allows easy become damp or burst apart.

2010年7月初在雅各布港冰川北部支流发生了一起崩裂。The breakup in early July 2010 occurred on the northern tributary to Jakobshavn Glacier.

只是先前对共和国的臆想却随着行程的推进逐渐崩裂了。But it was during that trip that cracks began to form in my image of the People's Republic.

伴随着树根崩裂的刺耳声响,这棵强健的巨树痛苦地缓慢倒下。In a cacophony of cracking, splintering roots, the mighty tree TOPPLES with agonizing slowness.

最后,科学家们表示,本月初,一座冰山从格陵兰岛的冰川崩裂开来。And, finally, scientists say an island of ice broke off from a glacier in Greenland earlier this month.

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其他的叫做“板状雪崩”,在大块的积雪崩裂并沿山坡下滑时发生。Others, called "slab avalanches" occur when large sections of the snow pack crack off and crash down the slope.

忽然殿里的幔子,从上到下裂为两半。地也震动。盘石也崩裂。At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.

要知道,笔直的树是最易崩裂的,而竹子或柳树却能经得起风的肆虐。Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.

众山在他以下必消化、诸谷必崩裂、如蜡化在火中、如水冲下山坡。The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a slope.

卫星图片显示,这块位于南极洲西部的面积160平方英里的冰架不可控的崩裂始于2月28日。Satellite images show the runaway disintegration of a 160-square-mile chunk in western Antarctica, which started Feb. 28.

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而实际上,否决赵钢早有预谋,而原因却来自何家和广厦集团的关系崩裂。In fact, Zhao Gang rejected pre- meditated , and the reason is from Ho Guangsha Group and the relationship between the crack.

如需移动机床位置,必须先放掉垫铁内的气体,以免垫铁中橡胶部分因内压大而崩裂。If the machine needs to be moved, deflate the mounts first, lest the rubber part blows out because of the strong inner pressure.

蓝色条纹是由于冰山碎片崩裂后,一些冰雪融水渗入后快速冻结而成。Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.