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现在我想要更多的冠军头衔,多多益善。Now I want other titles, as many as possible.

新鲜的空气对身体健康很有好处,多多益善。Fresh air is good for health. Plenty is no plague.

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然而,他们大多数人还是说多多益善。However, most of them still said that they needed more.

“美”懂得说“足够”,“野蛮”却叫嚷着“多多益善”。Beauty knows to say, "Enough, " barbarism clamors for still more.

我们有种哲学思想是,如果某件事有好处,那么多多益善。We have the philosophy that if something is good, then more is better.

超市刷着小聪明让你买的多多益善。Supermarkets use many subtle ploys to get you to buy more than you plan.

我们大多数人唯一更需要的是财务安全。多多益善。The only thing most of us need more of is financial security. A lot more.

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朋友尤如资本金,对创业者来说是多多益善。Friends like capital, the more friends are the better the entrepreneur is.

当然,好莱坞的明星在Twitter注册数量也是多多益善。Of course, having more Hollywood celebs sign up for Twitter couldn't hurt either.

诚然,来自书本上的知识也是宝贵的,然而而且多多益善。Admittedly , knowledge gained from books is also valuable and the more the better.

螃蟹肉和生鱼片新鲜且多汁,你当然希望多多益善了。The crabmeat and sashimi are so fresh and juicy that you'd no doubt want to order more.

我甚至可以每天吃“开水白菜”,觉得鲜甜无比,多多益善。I can even eat ' boiled cabbage" and feel it refreshing and sweet , the more the better."

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不过,如果我能收到我老公送我的什么礼物,我当然会更高兴了。多多益善呗!Another hand, I'll be more glad if I can receive present from my husband. The more , the better.

很多西方人尤其是我们美国人把“多多益善”的立场用在了瑜伽上。Many Westerners, particularly we Americans, have taken a more-is-more stance when it comes to yoga.

想一想你的坏脾气,还有你仇敌的个数,你该觉着多多益善才对。Considering your impetuousness and the number of your enemies, a dozen dozen more might be a good idea.

请老师、昔日雇主和其他专家撰写推荐信,尽己所能,多多益善。Get as many letters of recommendation as you can from lecturers, past employers and other professionals.

前者对待新奇性经验的态度是“少即是多”,后者的态度却是“多多益善”。The former takes a “less is more” approach to sexual novelty, while the latter often have a “more, more, more” attitude.

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除了这三封特定的人所撰写的提名信之外,其馀人都可以寄来支援信函,多多益善。Apart from these 3 nomination letters from specially qualified people all of us can send supporting letters, the more the better.

而且,当谈到到通过学习另一种语言锻炼大脑,她补充说“多多益善,但一点一滴亦有帮助”。And when it comes to exercising the brain by learning another language, she added, "the more the better—and every little bit helps."

第一个三是指有三种食物多多益善,一种是十字花科蔬菜像花椰菜、甘蓝、卷心菜,花椰菜和羽衣甘蓝都是抗癌明星。The first three refers to have 3 kinds of food, one kind is scarce raw cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are anti-cancer star.