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一些鱼种不具有,称之为「无腹鳍鱼」。Absent in some species, the apodal fishes.

有时他们吃掉幼小的竞争鱼种。Sometimes they eat the young of their rivals.

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神仙鱼是易于饲养的慈鲷科鱼种。Angelfish are an easy-to-keep cichlid species.

不同鱼种的行为和颜色各不相同。The species differ in their behavior and coloration.

饲料粒径大小随鱼的生长而增大,并维持在鱼种口全开时的一半左右。The coal feed rate and the size of the grinding table are variable.

放流鱼种生长和成活情况较好。In addition, survival and growth of fish released were quite satisfied.

他非常的轻,但是腰力十足,可以用来对付任何大型鱼种。It is surprisingly light, yet features magnum power to manage big fish.

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圣彼得鱼几个世纪以来一直是此湖的主要鱼种。The St. Peter's fish has been a dominantspecies in the lake for centuries.

然而最小的鱼种,黑头呆鱼的数量却发生了变化。But the population plunged in the smallest fish species, the fathead minnow.

所以我们在考虑培育能够耐盐的鱼种。So we are looking at developing strains of fish that are tolerant to salinity.

相对于只管理目标鱼种,海洋生态系统的管理需要以下几点The management of ecosystems as opposed to managing only target species entails

蝴蝶鲷是美丽的鱼种,并且只适宜与其他文静的鱼种共处。Butterfly cichlids are beautiful fish that should only be kept with other calm fish.

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它能在夜间穿过陆地到达没有其他鱼种繁殖的水域。It can move across land at night, reaching water no other fish species has colonised.

四齿鲀科族里共有超过90个河豚鱼种类。There are over ninety species of puffer-fish all belonging to the family Tetraodontidae.

但伴随它们洄游的小一些的鱼种如鳟鱼,南极鱼和年幼的鲑鱼,在这里有伊甸园般丰富的食物。But small species of trout, char and younger salmon swim beside them in Edenic abundance.

缸内展有数百种五彩斑斓的珍奇鱼种和千奇百态的珊瑚礁石。Thousands of multicolored rare fishes and different kinds of coral reefs are shown in the jar.

本研究中,纪录眼斑海葵鱼种鱼一年产卵33次,平均每10.6天产卵一次。One pair of Amphiprion ocellaris ovulated 33 times a year, average spawning interval were 10.6 days.

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养些小型鱼种,则不必总换水,是“忙人”的明智选择。Raise some of small-sized fingerling , always need not change water, be " busy person " sensible choice.

副渔获中大部分鱼种未达到可捕规格,对幼鱼资源造成损害。Most fish species of by-catch were commercially undersized species, with damage to juvenile fish resources.

现在,每当捕获新的鱼种,他们都会拿来给我看,我们会拍照和记录下名称。Now when they catch something new they come to show me, and we photograph the fish and log the name for it.