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这是你应得的!You deserve it!

你们应得的。You deserve it.

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这是你应得的。You deserve this.

她应得退款。She is due refund.

这也是你应得的。You deserve one too.

这倒也是他应得的荣誉。And he deserved it too.

但一个人应得的是什么?But what is a person's due?

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噢,我们得到了应得之物?。Ohh, we get what we deserve ?

我们所应得的东西也不会比现在少。No less deserving than we are now.

给杀人者应得之惩罚。Giving the killer what he deserves.

一些人说许多人不应得那些勋章。Some say that many were not merited.

没有得到应得的学分。Not getting credit where credit is due.

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他应得的工资明天付给他。The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow.

可我们真该觉得这些金牌都是赢得应得吗?Should we really consider them well-earned?

你可以给自己最好的,那是你应得的。You deserve the best you can give yourself.

道德应得,那是一个先行标准。That's an antecedent standard. Moral desert.

绝望会使你得到的比你应得的要少。Desperation makes you get less than you deserve.

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以一种公正的方法来回答人们应得什么。A just scheme answers to what men are entitles to.

我们做好每天的工作是希望能拿到一天应得的工资.We expect a fair day’s wage from a fair day’s work.

荣誉归于西班牙和他们的踢踏足球,这是他们所应得的。Kudos to Spain and their tiki-taka. They deserved it.