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如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅。Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity.

在我眼里,你素雅安然的背后有着我难以捉摸的隐伤。In my eyes, you elegant Enron behind with my elusive hidden injury.

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搭配亚麻长裙,女孩素雅亲切感自然流露。Tie-in flax long skirt, girl simple but elegant kindness naturally.

此录一首,歌咏梅花素雅寡淡、强劲刚强的品格。This record one, singing plum elegance Guadan, strong strong character.

非常素雅可爱的印花图案,质地和做工都是一流。Very simple but elegant lovely prints, texture and handiwork is top-notch.

我们曾经申请给阿古雅素雅利一个测试的机会,但它被拒绝了。We asked for permission for a test for Alguersuari and it was turned down.

一身素雅的颜色让活泼的女孩变得端庄、可爱!The simple but elegant color makes the lively girl civility and loveliness !

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他向来衣着整洁素雅,合乎他的年龄和身份。He was always neatly and quietly dressed in accordance with his age and station.

中国古建筑在色彩上斑斓纷呈,有的颜色对比强烈,有的素雅和谐。The ancient Chinese architecture is rich in color. Some contrast and some harmonize.

餐厅的设计素雅,也就是说“没有室内设计的室内”。The design of the restaurant is neutral, so to say “an interior without an interior”.

绣片珠花的素雅衬托你的优雅气质。The simple but elegant embroidered piece of foil you hand-making elegant temperament.

草绿色素雅又冷静,配搭服装搭配的技巧略有深色的碎花刚刚好。Viridans simple but elegant and calm, supplement the broken beautiful just slightly darker.

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尽管细节很多,变化丰富,但感觉上是单纯洁净、素雅明快、幽静空灵的。Although the details of many, varied, but the feeling is simple, elegant, clean and quiet ethereal.

只是这样一来又有不知多少美国妇女在暗自思量,要上哪才能找到一件简洁素雅的连衣裙了。Only a lot of American women silently thinking about where they might find a simple, pale sheath dress.

室内环境素雅、菜价适中,巴蜀众斋是您用餐的理想选择!Plain Jane indoor environment, Caijia moderate, Bashu all vegetarian dining is an ideal choice for you!

“连翘”花意喻着朴实、素雅、谦虚、谨慎、默默无闻、甘于奉献的精神。" Flower of Forsythia" means the simple, but elegant, modest, cautious, unknown to the public, dedication.

它为水仙洒下了洁白的花朵,为杨柳裹上了素雅的银条。It for narcissus to sprinkle the white flowers, for the willow wrapped in the simple but elegant silver bar.

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素雅的洁具,给整个浴室带来活跃的生命气息,不再让人觉得沉闷无聊。Elegant sanitary wares bring active living breath to the bath-room, so we do not feel tired in the bath-room.

玻璃与板式的完美组合,素雅的色调配搭,流畅的线面结合,展现无限现代美感。The perfect combination of glass and steel, elegance colors, smooth lines is showing infinite modern aesthetic.

那般素雅和简洁,意味着新的开始,正如同两年前的一月份她在奥巴马总统的就职典礼上所穿的那件一样。Its color and simplicity signaled fresh beginnings — as did that inaugural gown she wore in January two years ago.