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恭喜艾薇儿顺利完成巡演!Congrats, Avril!

金属也运作得非常顺利。Metal also works well.

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一切进展的顺利吗?。E─ Everyting all right ?

这支笔写起来很顺利。The pen writes smoothly.

如果一切顺利的话。If everything goes right.

一切都很顺利。Everything was going well.

生活并不总是顺顺利利的。Life is not always smooth.

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哦,不错,一切都顺利。Oh, fine. Everything is OK.

祝你在新的岗位一上切顺利。Allthe best in your new job.

祝您上传顺利!Good luck with your uploads!

祝你的新工作一切顺利!All the best in your new job!

这样一切都是顺利美好的。And that’s all well and good.

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祝你的新工作一切顺利!All the best in your new jop !

希望可可生能活得顺顺利利。Hope the cocoa life happiness.

也许可以顺利的得到实现。Maybe it'll all work smoothly.

工作正在顺利进行。The work is going on smoothly.

但愿您事綪办得顺利。I hope things work out for you.

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患者顺利地康复了。The patient convalesced nicely.

嗨,孩子,一切都顺利吗?Hi, Son. Is everything allright?

这项工程进行得不太顺利。The project did not go smoothly.