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这么多的选择让我无所适从。For me, there are too many options.

我自己假想的想法却无所适从。I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder.

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逼得他无所适从,只好一吐为快。He had no choice except to spit it out.

变化的价值观使社会感到无所适从。Society has been disoriented by changing values.

所有这些让商人们无所适从。All this makes business people extremely nervous.

看着这一大堆磁盘可能让您感到无所适从。Seeing all these disks can leave you a bit at sea.

詹姆斯无所适从,惘然若失。James was at a loss as to what to do and felt lost.

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主席被不同意见弄得无所适从。The chairman was distracted between different opinions.

在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,徬徨而无所适从。In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift.

他有些心酸地想,她是个孝顺女儿,但却把他弄得无所适从。A fine pious act, he thought sourly, but it left him at loose ends.

我遇到女人的时候无所适从,我不知道她们在想些什么.I 'm clueless when it comes to woman I have no idea what they want.

即便贫民们都神驰金钱,可真地有朝一日暴富起来也会无所适从。Even poor people all yearn for money, can really get up will someday.

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即便是我将标准耳机遗忘在家,我也不会无所适从。Even if I leave my standard headphones at home, I'm not stuck anymore.

信息过多过滥也会使得营销人员无所适从。Too much information may make marketing staff not know which to select.

我们的求偶仪式快速的变化,以致我们无所适从。Our courtship rituals are rapidly changing, and we don’t know what to do.

辛德尔无所适从,于是泰拉克把她和查拉尔一起关进了城堡的地牢。Unable to, Cindel was instead imprisoned in the castle's dungeon, as was Charal.

近来有诸多不顺就像理不清的麻,纠结的人心烦意乱,无所适从。There are many ring true as the recent disarray of Ma, who tangled upset, confused.

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效果和动画有可能会让桌面应用程序用户无所适从。Effects and animations can potentially be overwhelming to desktop application users.

一旦人进入其中,很快就会被它的无遮无掩弄得无所适从,只想赶快离开。Once people enter these, it will soon be at a loss if the unshielded , just get away.

他们可能感觉无所适从,只能不断地唠叨敦促另一方把事情办好。They may feel they have no choice but to constantly nag to make sure things get done.