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学习词根。Study word roots.

词根是什么?What are its roots?

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很多英语单词都有拉丁词根。Many English words have Latin roots.

闪族语系的词根结构。The root structure of the semitic languages.

不过,人们得把它的词根追溯到印欧语系了。But the word root goes back to Indo-European.

“道路”、“路径”的词根来自古英语和日耳曼语。This was from Old English and Germanic roots.

这个词根这样出现在古希腊语里。This is where the word roots emerged in ancient Greek.

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这是个派生词,你能指出它的词根吗?This word is a derivative. Can you point out its root?

前后缀及词根已被包含。The prefix, etyma and suffix have been embedded inside.

这两个单词——自由主义者和自由——来源于同一个词根。Both words — liberal and liberty — come from the same root.

现代汉语类词缀是介于词根与词缀之间的一个语言单位。The affixed is a unit between root and affix in Modern Chinese.

利用词根加前缀或后缀构成新词。Utilize root to add prefixes or the suffix and form neologisms.

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人们可以把这个词拆分成为两个希腊词根,一个是hypo,另一个是chondria。The Greek roots of the word can be broken in two hypo and chondria.

number这个词的印欧语词根可能是nem。The Indo-European root that likely gave us our word number was nem.

该单词词根中os-的前缀与单词osteoporosis中的os-前缀是同一个东西,有相同意思。The os- in the oyster word root is the same os- as in osteoporosis.

在构词法中,语素被分为词根,词干,词基和词缀。In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.

库柏人常戏言“库柏”是“合作”这个词的词根。Some of Cooper guys joke that 'Cooper' is the root for 'Cooperation'.

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同样,单词sweet也是由一个印欧语系的词根,经过古英语发展而来的。Sweet too is a word from Old English that goes back to Indo-European.

这些词与拉丁语和日耳曼语的联系都可以追溯到印欧语的词根。Both the Latin and Germanic traces lead back to an Indo-European base.

这是一个派生词。你能说出它的词根、前缀和后缀吗?。This word is a derivation. Can you point out its root, prefix and suffix?