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行商庇佑主之门,开启!Gate of the Lord of Protection, Open!

掌机游戏发行商开始对此投以关注。The console game publishers took notice.

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行商是清政府对外贸易政策的产物。The government 's foreign policy be savage.

现在,每个企业都是一个多渠道发行商。Every business is a multi-channel publisher now.

对咱们公司来说最为效率的行商模式是什么样的呢?What business model will work best for our company?

那为什么不把这些游戏交给小发行商呢?So why not license these games to smaller publishers?

世达为发行商提供香港和美国的法律顾问服务。Skadden is advising the issuer on Hong Kong and U. S. law.

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Sony-BMG是世界最大的音乐发行商之一。Sony-BMG is one of the world’s largest music distributors.

除了最大视频游戏发行商之外,这些数字令其他公司相形见拙。Those figures dwarf sales of all but the largest videogame publishers.

义博会借助迪拜展的机会吆喝宣传自己,就是义乌从“坐商”到“行商”的一个转变。This exhibition in Dubai is a mark of Yiwu from passivity to initiative.

他们决定当自由行商,专做纺织品和宝石生意。They decided to become free traders, specializing in textiles and gemstones.

威廉姆斯的父亲,消委会威廉姆斯,是一个旅行商和借酒浇愁。Williams's father, CC Williams, was a traveling salesman and a heavy drinker.

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我不能谈论SC2的DLC,那种声明是要发行商来做的。I can't talk about the SC2 DLC, those announcements are made from the publisher.

目前,多数发行商对于发布没有版权的书本感到担忧。For now, most publishers are still wary about releasing books without copyright DRM.

内已经辞职。内承认与上个月的杰克。艾布拉姆行商调查案有牵连。Ney pleaded guilty last month in the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling investigation.

不增添总行商易通数据中间地软硬件系统投入。Not to increase the head office to data center hardware and software Autopass System.

这部香港电影吸引了不少亚洲和欧洲的电影发行商。The Hong Kong film has attracted the attention of distributors across Asia and Europe.

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美国政府是贴现债券的大发行商,这些被称为国库券The U.S. Government is a big issuer of discount bonds and they're called Treasury bills.

从一开始,游戏发行商和设计者们就在与现实主义参加军备竞赛。From the beginning, publishers and game designers were locked in an arms race of realism.

欧华派出由合伙人杰弗里·马克带领的小组为发行商提供香港法律顾问。A DLA Piper team led by Hong Kong partner Jeffrey Mak advised the issuer on Hong Kong law.