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因为我们各有所长。你的烹饪方式可能不同于旁人。because we're different. You may cook different.

大家都各有所长,展现自己。Everyone each has his strong point, show yourself.

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那么是什么使得男人和女人各有所长呢?What makes men and women better at one thing or another?

大脑两半球功能各有所长,互为补充。Each of the two brain hemispheres has its strong point in function.

内部和外部领域特定语言其实各有所长。As for the internal versus external language decision, each has its advantages.

由于各种CAD系统各有所长,用户希望从多种系统中选择技术性能好,满足需求的工具集成在一起使用。Each CAD system has its own characterics, so users want to integrate tools to take advantage of each tool.

教研室的老师均各有所长,在自己的研究领域中做出了比较突出的成绩,已发表了几十篇专业论文及数部著作。In token of the high attainments in their relevant fields, scores of theses and several works have been published.

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总而言之,选手们都各有所长,每个人都有很多的优点值得我们去学习。In brief, contestant all each has its strong points, each people all have very many merits to be worth us studying.

此次荷兰国家展区包括世界顶尖的研究型大学以及知名的应用科学大学,可谓各具特色,各有所长。The Holland Pavilion consists of world top research universities plus a few well-known universities of applied sciences.

两者兼顾。他们要既本土又“西式”。根据不断变化的环境,二者各有所长。Both. They should localize and stay “western.” Depending on the constantly changing circumstances, each has its advantages.

二者之间有一些细微的差别,这使得它们在解决某些类型的问题时各有所长。There are some subtle differences between them, which makes one more appropriate for certain types of problems than others.

复译本各有所长,起互为补充、相得益彰作用。Each retranslation has its own strong points, playing the function of complementing one another to bring out the best versions.

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全科组教师各有所长,经验丰富,胜任教学任务。Coming from different education background and work experiences, the English teachers are taking up all English lessons in school.

中国古代文明和其他文明各有所长。各有所短。Ancient Chinese civilization and other civilizations have their own strengths and weaknesses respectively in the different subsets.

在“叛乱罪”与“叛国罪”的构成设计上,两国刑法规定也是各有所长。Each of the two countries' criminal laws has their own strong points in stipulating "crime of insurrection" and "crime of treason".

最后对两类统计量进行模拟计算,证明了它们是有效的,且在实际检测中的表现各有所长。Finally several Mento Carlo simulations on the two classes of statistics are performed which indicates the efficiency of our methods.

质的研究和量的研究各有所长,片面强调某一种都是不恰当的。It is irrelevant to emphasize only one method, for the qualitative research and the quantitative research all have their own strongpoint.

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进口代理服务商素质不一,各有所长,并非所有货物进口都能做得好,我司宇皓国际在“二手机械”进口报关方面具有非常强的优势。The occasional imports, but don't worry, have the price of the import declaration has more advantages transportation agency service company?

没有必要在你的缺点上踌躇,由于每个人都各有所长各有所短,相反,应该考虑的是用最好的方法突出你的优势。There is no need to dwell on your faults—we all have good points and bad points—but think instead about the best way to emphasize the good ones.

论述了油毡瓦生产中的两种切割方法——滚切式和冲切式,分析了这两种方法的工作原理、机械构造等特点,认为它们各有所长。Two ways of cutting asphalt shingles, roll cut ting and punching, are mentioned in the article including their working principles and mechanism.