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他们把书卷都放在里面。And they just had scrolls all in it.

无论你是谁我都细刻入书卷。In you whoe'er you are my book perusing.

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疏影临书卷,清光皓月悬。Thin film the scroll, clear bright light suspension.

于是我开口,他就使我吃这书卷So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.

小书卷的开启是与时间有关的信息。The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time.

我观看,见有一只手向我伸出来,手中有一书卷。Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to me. In it was a scroll.

尼利亚的儿子巴录就手拿书卷来到他们那里。So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them.

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尼利亚的儿子巴录就把书卷亲自带到他们那里。So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them.

你对约亚敬王焚烧预言书卷有何看法?What are your comments about King Jehoiakim's burning of the prophecy roll?

作品以长卷形式,将繁杂的景象纳入统一而富于变化的书卷中。Works with the long form, the complex scene into unity and variety in the scroll.

我的手摩挲着这些书卷,厚的、薄的、小册的、大部头的、旧的、新装订的。I ran my hand over the volumes, thick , thin, slim , oversize, old, and newly bound.

那内容关于丢失的羊皮纸书卷,影藏的几何学,和谜语们,汇集起来卖了很大书。All that stuff about lost parchments, hidden geometry, and puzzles made for great sales.

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通过我们后天接受教育和努力学习,便可以修得我们宝贵的书卷之气。We are able to develop the precious scholarliness through being taught and working hard.

当他写道,看见天像书卷一样卷起来时,不要以为他用的是比喻手法。When he talks about seeing the sky rolled up like a scroll he means that quite literally.

这是一个由成千上万册印刷精美的相同书卷所确立的空间。It is the space defined by perfect printed volumes that exist in thousands of identical copies.

这就是那个巨大的书卷,有马和骑手从中跳出来,飞在空中。There's this big huge scroll that has horses and riders jumping out of it and flying through the air.

因为没有配展开,配观看那书卷的,我就大哭。And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.

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这将有助于识别书卷中那些经历无数世纪之后,字迹已经褪色,因而模糊无法辨认的部分。It helped uncover sections of the scrolls that have faded over the centuries and became indecipherable.

他既拿了书卷,四活物和二十四位长老,就俯伏在羔羊面前,各拿着琴,和盛满了香的金炉。And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.

这些书卷不仅包括了希伯来圣经的一部分,也保留了大量关于平民生活,以及启示录之战的记载。The scrolls include parts of the Hebrew Bible as well as treatises on communal living and apocalyptic war.