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这块玉佩是咱们家的传家宝。This jade pendant is our family heirloom.

云狂把玉佩又给了乐儿,让她收好。Wild gave both the wek-jin and cloud, let her away.

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展览结束时,“玉佩”也在水中融化消失。After the exhibition, "jade wearing" melts in the water.

晚上,乐儿看着云狂的玉佩,在心里告诉他自己要做母亲了。Night, crazy fun looking at cloud wek-jin and told his mother to do in your mind.

组玉佩是中国人独有的一种随身佩带的玉饰物。A set of jade pendants on a girdle is one unique kind of Chinese personal ornaments.

海天又见到了云狂的那块玉佩,想到算命先生的话,又怀疑起来。Haitian saw the wek-jin and crazy piece of cloud, think of fortune-tellers, doubt again.

由于有彭新华的保护,颜娟的伤并不严重,手上的玉镯和脖子上的玉佩都完好无损。Because of his protection, she slightly injured and even her jade jewelries were survived.

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亮得像挂在天空中的一盏灯,圆得像一个大月饼,白得像一块无暇的玉佩。Light hanging in the sky like a lamp, round like a large cake, like a flawless white jade.

中村功赶到只看到了李冰的遗体,他从李冰手中拿走了一块玉佩。Reactive to see inside the body of the zhao li bing, his hands away from zhao li bing, a replicate.

乐儿把云狂的玉佩呈给了云狂,云狂震惊不已,跟着乐儿走出了宫殿。Both gave cloud cloud crazy wek-jin is crazy, crazy shock of cloud, follow the fun out of the palace.

云狂被同伴叫走,乐儿纠结他不救自己却只想玉佩。Cloud crazy be companions call away, LeEr ravel he didn t save himself but just want to the rationale.

云狂变成黑衣人,看见了自己的玉佩在乐儿身上,想拿回来,乐儿不让。Cloud crazy become men in black, saw her in the rationale LeEr body, want to take back, LeEr dont let.

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天贞知道武晋王夫人临死前将自己封印在了一块玉佩里,便向刘利打听玉佩在何处。Day Jane know Wu Jin Mrs King died, his seal in a piece of wek-jin, where the wek-jin and inquire of bass.

慕容卓让赵大和钱二拿出龙凤玉佩,正式承认赵大女婿的身份。MuRongZhuo let zhao and money two took out the wek-jin dragon, formally recognized zhao big son-in-laws identity.

早上,妙戈起来,注视着睡着的云狂,拿出了他的玉佩,继续装睡。In the morning, wonderful gerben up, staring at the sleeping cloud crazy, took out his rationale, continue to pack to sleep.

受到两人随身玉佩的彼此吸引,他们二人“热闹而又尴尬”的相识了,成了一对欢喜冤家。Get two people of Yu Pei each other are attracted, they 2 people " lively and awkward " acquaintance, became a pair to jubilate enemy.

手工精巧、一体成形的吉祥玉佩,除能感召吉祥平安外,更增高雅之气。Exquisite handwork, all-in-one-shaped lucky jade pendants, it not only bring you luck and peace, but also increase your personal quality.

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有人亲眼看见他从坟里摸出了一对玉佩,上面有个猫眼大夜明珠呐。Someone sees with own eyes him from the grave in touched a rightness of jades wearing and up having a cat eye big night bright pearl to shout.

披巾、下垂的绶带以及所系不同形状的玉佩,既表现了人物不同的身份,也增加了造型的变化。And JADE pendants attached to some of the scarves and belts symbolize the wearers' different status and to make the figures appear more diversified.

没偷什么,就是些坠子玉佩什么的,都是那些财大气粗的女人的,他们丢了物件都不会找的。Do not pilfer what, is some pendant earrings jades to wear what of, all is those wealth atmosphere thick chemisette, their throwing treatises can't seek.