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理所当然地将宇宙据为己有。The universe for granted as their own.

不论你作什麽,切不要把这个大好信息据为己有!Whatever you do, don't keep it to yourself!

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他企图把公共用地据为己有。He tried to swallow up the publicly-owned land.

一块希罕的石头人们不惜一切代价将其据为己有。A stone so rare men will do anything to possess it.

你不应该把别人的所有物据为己有。You should not appropriate other people's belongings.

王兵想以借款合同为由据为己有。Wang bing want to loan contract to purloin it grounds.

而门户网站的战略是把所有的信息都据为己有。The portal strategy tries to own all of the information.

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谢谢你把钱包还给我。如果是一个不太正直的人一定会据为己有。You are a lesser man than he is. Because you lied to me.

偷窃是把另一个人的财物据为己有。To steal is to remove property from another person to oneself.

有时它们和投资者分享收益,有时它们将报酬据为己有。Sometimes they share with their investors, sometimes they don't.

对于神的应许,我们当有「据为己有」的信心。We need to have appropriating faith in regard to God's promises.

他希望通过狼把邻近羊群中的小羊据为己有。He hopes to pass a wolf the lamb glom on to in adjacent Yang Qun.

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格雷在一间荒废的办公室内发现了这张桌子并将它“据为己有”。Gray found this desk in an empty office and claimed it for his own.

她的叔叔死后,她把能弄到手的东西全部都据为己有。When her uncle died, she grabbed everything she could get her hands on.

很多人都在抱怨私募股权公司将交易费据为己有。Many complain about private-equity firms keeping deal fees for themselves.

但他按自己的行程运行着,他赋予我生命,却不想把我据为己有。But he goes on in his journey, he gives me life and does not want me to be his.

响尾蛇队在球场上插上自己的旗子,将其据为己有。The Rattlers staked their claim to the ball field by planting their flag in it.

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沃尔特·迪士尼将童话唯一的特征——希望据为己有。Walt Disney glommed on to this single aspect of fairy tales --- hope --- and owned it.

然后他们就把商队所有的货物和牛车据为己有。Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.

你不应未经同意把别人所有物据为己有。You should not appropriate other people's belongings to yourself without their permission.