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2003年被金正日当作潜在威胁被打入冷宫后他于2006年又回到权力中心。Purged in 2003 as a potential rival, he bounced back in 2006.

迷你裙迅即流行,但是很快就被打入冷宫。The mini-skirt caught on quickly but disappeared equally fast.

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然而实际上,诸如此类的怀疑和遁辞只会把协定打入冷宫。However valid, these doubts and quibbles left the accord in limbo.

直到有一天,它的主人不愿再用它,把它打入冷宫,一切才将结束。That it would only end if someone were willing to lay the sword aside.

一见太子爱妃如此蛮不讲理,当场大怒要将爱妃打入冷宫。See prince love princess so unreasonable, the rage will love princess in limbo.

过往的网络红剧,经过下架的命运之后,恐怕会就此被观众打入冷宫。Past network red, after the shelves of fate, I'm afraid will be the audience in limbo.

你可能因为自己的态度而被解雇,但你更可能被贴上“爱发牢骚”的标签或被打入冷宫。You may get fired for your stance, but you are more likely to be labelled a moaner or ignored.

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一项新研究发现,年轻人正逐渐将facebook和twitter打入冷宫。A new study has found that young people are turning their backs on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

甚至,离开中国不过几年也就意味着你被打入冷宫,升职的机会就会从你的指缝间溜走。Even a few years away from your connections can mean they go cold, scuppering your chance of promotion.

这些理论从来得不到校长的赏识,总是被看作“不切实际的幻想“而打入冷宫。These theories never got the headmaster recognition, always to be regarded as "unrealistic illusion" and the doghouse.

梅尔·吉布森是好莱坞少有的保守派,不过也同样受到了明星们的大肆谴责,更是在事业上将他打入冷宫。Gibson, a rare conservative in Hollywood, was brutally condemned by his fellow stars and sent into virtual career exile.

其实在外援桑德罗被停赛8场之后,金德已经无力再把宋振瑜和刘建业打入冷宫了。Actually after foreign aid Sangdeluo stops play 8, Jinde was already incapable again puts in disfavor Song Zhenyu and Liu Jianye.

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钱串子告诉钟离,胡汉民被派出国,打入冷宫,校长安排特别行动队其中一人跟着他去,而这个人就是她。Money-oriented tell bell, hu was adopted, the doghouse, one of the principal to arrange special task force went with him, but this one is her.

前利物浦门将柯克兰在赛季初曾是主帅马丁内兹的一号门将,但是在两场比赛就被灌进10球后被打入冷宫。Former Liverpool keeper Chris Kirkland began the season as manager Roberto Martinez's first choice but was dropped after conceding 10 goals in the opening two matches.

弗格森爵士保证如果超级联赛委员会认定曼联不必放海因策去利物浦的话也不会在余下的赛季里把海因策打入冷宫。Gabriel Heinze will not be alienated by the rest of the Manchester United squad if the Premier League's inquiry prevents him joining Liverpool next weekend, Sir Alex Ferguson has promised.

到了45岁这个年龄,大多数女性会把无袖衣服“打入冷宫”,但奥巴马夫人是如何练就她那能与奥运会运动员相媲美的三头肌的呢?How does a woman of 45, an age at which most ladies banish sleeveless items to the furthest recesses of the wardrobe, maintain triceps that would not look out of place on an Olympic athlete?

但尽管有这些政策,很多患有抑郁症的雇员还是表示,他们绝不会考虑向自己的同事坦白,更别提向雇主求助了,因为他们害怕被打入冷宫。But in spite of such policies, many employees with depression say they would never consider confiding in their colleagues, let alone seek help from their employer, for fear of being written off.