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宽大的长条桌和条凳。Wide long tables and lifestyle.

一只松鼠在条凳上趴着睡着了。A sleeping squirrel stretches out on a bench.

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您已看了我放在这里、这条凳上的东西了吧?Have you read what I placed there on the bench?

我坐在凌乱的实验室里的一张条凳上,它就位于我那地下公寓的二层。I sat on a stool in the cluttered laboratory beneath my basement apartment.

老太静静地坐在长条凳上,背靠着墙壁,笑眯眯地望着他。The old lady sat quietly in the bar stool, leaned back against the wall, smiling at him.

在静谧的公园里,坐在老旧的长条凳上休息片刻,或是平躺在青翠的草地上。Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench. Lie on your back on the green grass.

坐在他平时最喜欢用午餐的长条凳上,一股暖流涌上心头,他惊讶地发现她就坐在桌子的对面了。In the warmth of a booth in his favorite weekday lunch place, he marvelled at her presence across the table.

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他们甚至开始周日一起去做礼拜,爸爸坐在教堂的长条凳上,夏延就安静的趴在他脚边。They even started to attend Sunday services together, Dad sitting in a pew and Cheyenne lying quietly at his feet.

我们坐在绅士酒吧的长条凳上,他假装在一边听我说话,手一边撕扯着东西,一边查看着房间。We’re sitting in a booth in the Esquire and he’s pretending to listen to me while he shreds and checks out the room.

昨天一早,开发商为购房者搬来长条凳,并提供了鸡蛋和饼干等早餐。Yesterday morning, the developers applied for the purchase of long disused , and provides breakfast, eggs and biscuits.

这是一间白灰刷墙石头铺地的房子,摆满了饭桌和条凳,说不出的沉闷和乏味,颇有一些监狱的气息。It was a lime-washed, stone-floored room, unspeakably dreary with its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell.

厨房空间通过延伸至整个起居空间的混凝土条凳与起居室和餐厅区域相连。The kitchen is linked to the living and dining areas of the home by a concrete bench that extends the full length of the living space.

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母亲抬起头,道了谢,又请这位路的女客坐在门边条凳上,她自己仍蹲在门槛上。The mother raised her head and thanked her, and bade the wayfarer SIT down on the bench at the door, she herself being seated on the threshold.

两位科学家坐在条凳上,哈科从实验室厨房中端出几品托啤酒,以及薯条、虾、和热的炸蛋卷。The scientists sit on stools as Hackett brings out pints of their beer, as well as fries, shrimp, and egg rolls hot from the brewpub's kitchen.

在前庭的下首,有个九柱戏场,周围摆着条凳和小木桌,桌上印着一些圆圈,是摆啤酒杯的标志。Down on one side of the forecourt ran a skittle-alley, with benches along it and little wooden tables marked with rings that hinted at beer-mugs.

他们知道自己没有什么出路,只能在这磨人的条凳上坐上十个小时而动弹不得,如果说他们会想到什么,那也无非是哀叹命运的不幸或者渴望能有份工可作。Fixed for ten hours on a comfortless bench, they know no way of occupying themselves, and if they think at all it is to whimper about hard luck and pine for work.

和煦明亮的阳光透过窗户洒在凯伦坐着的条凳上,她此刻内心被填满了,被安宁和喜悦填满了,满到她的心裂开了,于是她的灵魂顺着光束飞向了天堂。The bright warm sunshine streamed through the window into the pew where Karen sat, and her heart became so filled with it, so filled with peace and joy, that it broke.

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作为一个虔诚的天主教徒,她载我到传教士教堂—圣.托马斯教堂,让我在早上六点作为圣童迎接大批教徒,她也会坐在右边第一排的条凳上祷告。A devout Catholic, she’d drive me to St. Thomas the Apostle Church so I could serve the six A.M. mass as an altar boy, with her praying in the first row in the right pew.

作为一个虔诚的天主教徒,她载我到传教士教堂—圣。托马斯教堂,让我在早上六点作为圣童迎接大批教徒,她也会坐在右边第一排的条凳上祷告。A devout Catholic, she'd drive me to St. Thomas the Apostle Church so I could serve the six A. M. mass as an altar boy, with her praying in the first row in the right pew.

八十年代砖砌的四方灶,只是不用再烧煤改成烧天然气,薄木板打制的长条凳,装菜的土碗和竹筲箕,什么都土得掉渣。The four-1980s brick stove, but do not have to burn coal into gas, a thin plank of the long Tiaodeng, with bowls and dishes of soil at Shao Kei, anything in the soil Diaozha.