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我漱口。I gargle.

再次漱口。Rinse again.

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她看著他漱口。She watched him gargle.

刷牙后漱口?Rinse after brushing teeth?

你应该经常漱口。You should gargle regularly.

为什么吸血鬼需要漱口剂?Why do vampires need mouthwash?

乔按时刷牙,并用清洁液漱口。A brush used for cleaning teeth.

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我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。My throat huts . Id better gargle.

这个魔鬼发出沉闷的漱口的声音。The demon let out a muffled gargle.

你有试着用盐水漱口吗?Did you try gargling with salt water?

用水漱口可预防感冒?Does Gargling With Water Prevent Colds?

他用漱口剂漱口。He rinses his mouth out with mouthwash.

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也可以当作漱口剂。PerioWash can also be used as a gargle.

你应该经常用含漱液漱口。You should gargle the throat regularly.

而用氟化物漱口则能够使其坚固。A fluoride rinse can help strengthen it.

他总是用一种特制的药漱口。He also gargles with a special medicine.

他用杀菌剂漱口。He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic.

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用小苏打水来漱口可以预防溃疡。Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers.

饭后刷牙或用漱口水漱口。Brush your teeth or use mouthwash after you eat.

坚持饭后漱口能使牙齿洁白。Keeping gargling after meals can whiten your teeth.