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不幸的人往往是默守成规的产物。Unlucky people tend to be creatures of routine.

先弄懂规则,才会知道该如何适切地打破成规。Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

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生命如此短暂。何不打破成规,原谅快一点,亲吻慢一点,爱得真一点,笑得疯一点。Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably.

生命如此短暂,何不打破成规,原谅快一点,亲吻慢一点,爱的真一点,笑的疯一点。Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly and laugh uncontrollably.

这些突破了传统小说重情节,叙述角度单一的成规。These breakthrough the traditional story ruts which thinking much of polt and narrating single angle.

超越对库尔贝画作的各种主观看法,这位艺术家做到的是打破一切成规。Beyond all subjective considerations of his painting, Courbet is an artist who breaks with what went before.

外行人当然要为不懂成规而付出代价,那就是被内行们蔑视。The price that the outsider pays for being so heedless of custom is, of course, the disapproval of the insider.

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进入安德鲁威蒂的办公室,英国制药公司葛兰素史克公司执行长已放弃了成规。Enter Andrew Witty. The chief executive of UK-based pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has ditched the standard script.

何不打破成规,原谅快一点,亲吻慢一点,爱得真一点,笑得疯一点,并且只要是让自己笑过的事,就永远不会后悔。Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.

曹七巧和埃里卡在经受封建成规以及荒谬的社会成规的压迫之后,都表现出强烈的虐恋意识。Being repressed both by the feudal disciplines and the ridiculous social rules, they behave the sense of sadomasochism in their minds.

生命如此短暂。何不打破成规,原谅快一点,亲吻慢一点,爱得真一点,笑得疯一点,并且只要是让自己笑过的事,就永远不会后悔。Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.

我们过去固守成规,关起门来搞建设,搞了好多年,导致的结果不好。In the past we stayed in a rut, engaging in construction behind closed doors, and many years of hard work did not produce the desired results.

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有组织的科幻迷和志愿者每周都将世界各地成百上千的文学成规推广,这推动了科幻小说的发展。Science fiction is driven by organized fandom, volunteers who put on hundredsof literary conventions in every corner of the globe, every weekend of the year.

对于那些打破成规,周末跑出去与志同道合的裸体主义者厮混且坚持认为这是很平常的人,你又作何解释呢?And how can you explain the rebels who shun convention to spend their weekends hanging out with similar-minded nudists, insisting nothing could be more normal?

专家建议,与其强迫男性或女性成为对方的复制品,还不如抛开成规,善用你同事的优势。Rather than forcing men and women to become clones of one another, experts suggest throwing stereotypes out the window and capitalizing on your coworkers' strengths.

在这个找回自我的过程中,她们学会了要活在当下、也学会了要抛弃成规,拿出时间去完善自己的缺陷,并且采取行动去追求这种改变。During this retreat, they learn to live in the present moment, to unlearn the rules, agree to time off to be perfect in their imperfections, and to take action so as to bring about change.

通过语义的消解与重构,促使铜版画创作从固守成规的技术模式中摆脱出来,形成宽阔的艺术表达语言,创作的视觉化意识。By the dispelling and rebuilding, try to promote the creation of the Etching to escape from the old technical pattern, to from the broader's way to express and visualize the consciousness of creation.

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当然,你也可以说女孩们从全场紧逼中学到了更重要的东西---努力可以战胜能力,也可以战胜那些本就该被挑战的成规。Of course, you could as easily argue that in playing the press a twelve-year-old girl learned something much more valuable—that effort can trump ability and that conventions are made to be challenged.