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酒花是啤酒的重要原料之一。Hop is one of important raw materials for bittering beer.

煮沸或煮泡的添加酒花的麦芽汁有多方面的原因。The boiling or brewing of the wort with the hops serves several purposes.

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生产啤酒的主要原料是水、麦芽、酒花及酵母。The main raw materials for beer production included water, malt, hops and yeast.

酒花还具有适度的防腐能力并能增加啤酒的泡沫保持能力。Hops also have mild preservative properties and add foam-holding capacity to the beer.

当然,与酒花对啤酒气味和口味方面的作用相比,所有的这些功能都是次要的。All of these functions, however , are secondary to the role of hops in flavor and aroma.

烈性黑啤可含有微量咖啡,巧克力,甘草或是糖浆,却没有明显酒花。Stouts can carry hints of coffee, chocolate, licorice, and molasses with no apparent hops.

在此基础上,研究表明里哪醇的含量可以作为评价啤酒酒花香气的重要指标。The content of linalool was regarded as important indicatrix estimating hop aroma in beer.

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建立酒花黄酮的提取方法和含量测定方法。To establish the total flavones extraction and determination methods of Humulus lupulus L.

啤酒中的脂肪酸主要来源于酿造原辅料,如大麦、大米、小麦、玉米、酒花等。Fatty acid in beer mainly came from raw materials such as wheat, rice, barley, corn and hops etc.

把等量的干酒花和干薰衣草放进棉枕头套中并封口。Put equal handfuls of dried hops and lavender flowers into a cotton pillowcase, and seal the end.

用于啤酒生产的基本原料有水、酒花和发芽的谷物,主要是大麦。The principal raw materials of beer manufacture are water, hops, and malted cereal grains, principally barley.

酿造过程中,当酶已经把淀粉转化为麦芽糖之后加入酒花。Hops are added during brewing and after the enzymes of the malt have converted the Starch to the sugar maltose.

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麦芽中的起泡蛋白、酒花苦味成分、CO2是构成啤酒泡沫的基本因素。The foaming protein in malt, bitter substances in hops, and CO2 are the essential factors to develop beer foam.

了解如何添加酒花香气与专家到家庭酿制啤酒酿造秘诀在这个自由家酿啤酒视频剪辑。Learn how to add aroma hops to home brewed beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.

在商业酿造中,是用麦芽、糖、酒花和相应的酵母来得到麦芽汁的。In commercial brewing, the wort is made by producing fermentable sugars and yeast nutrients from malt, sugar, and hops.

酒花加量、添加方法、煮沸强度对啤酒胶体稳定性及泡沫质量均有明显影响。Addition level, addition method, and boiling intensity of hops had evident effects on both colloid stability and foam quality.

由于不同的酒精度会呈现出不同的“酒花”,技师又总结出“看花接酒”的技能。Due to the different alcohol will present a different "flor", the mechanic and summarizes "look at the flowers by wine" skills.

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炫目金色淡色爱尔啤酒,会让你感觉有些开心,神经质,洗心革面,朋克式的感觉。选用大量麦芽和流行的西番莲水果酒花酿造而成,让你无法抗拒。A titillating, neurotic, peroxide, punk of a pale ale. A compulsive malty body with a sassy passion fruit hop proves too much to resist.

反之,酒花密集上翻,且立即消失,并有明显不均匀分布,酒液浑浊,即为劣质酒。Conversely, hop on turn over the dense, and immediately, and has the obvious uneven distribution, wine juice, which is to inferior wine.

暂不谈传统谷物如大麦和酒花,用竹子酿的啤酒给你的竹宴带来独特的风味!Eschewing traditional grains like barley and hops, beer made with bamboo offers a unique flavor suitable for your bamboo-derived repast!