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我舍弃了其模式“,他说。I depart from their modes," he says.

那个狠心的男人舍弃了妻小。The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.

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舍弃正路的人,必遭受严厉管教。Harsh correction is for him who forsakes the way.

菩萨为了饶益他人而舍弃一切。They forsake everything for the benefit of others.

马奇亚维利写到,“我舍弃其它类型的秩序。Here, Machiavelli says, "I depart from the orders of others.

为了那碗粥,我不能舍弃那个小商人!I can't quite give up the huckster, because of the porridge!

在比较中,科学家们发现这两种突变体都舍弃了一个同样的基因。In both cases, they found a deletion of one particular gene.

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是什么事情如此紧急让人们可以舍弃生命呢?What emergency things that let persons abnegate their lifes.

或干脆把丝带部分都舍弃,加上一个漂亮的腰带,这样更好。Or, better yet, lose the sash altogether and add a nice belt.

丹尼斯现在舍弃了那块破木板,开始向它游去。Dantes now left the piece of wood and began to swim to meet it.

你知道我母亲为了照顾阿利安娜舍弃了自己的生命。You know how my mother gave up her own life to care for Ariana.

舍弃“不重要”的部分来保全整个群体。Cutting off a "minor" part may help to save the colony as a whole.

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他舍弃了在族群里的地位——小米的爸爸是族群的首领。He refuses his status in the clan—Remi's father is leader of the clan.

他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真返璞。He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature.

在这个例子中,textfield舍弃了中间区域,以便显示文本。The textfield in the example gets rid of it to allow text to be drawn.

所以,我只能舍弃我爱的小宝,虽然我依然爱他。Therefore, I can only give my love Xiaobao, although I still love him.

智者舍弃小乐,因此他得到了大乐。Wise ones obtain ultimate joy because they can abandon small pleasures.

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现在,如果验证检测失败,那么事务将被舍弃。Now if the validation check fails, then the transaction will be aborted.

学会舍弃,你才能心无旁骛,专心一致的求取成功。Institute of abandoned, you can concentrate and focus in line to succeed.

他们是外来人、最无关紧要的人、可以舍弃掉的、迅速忘记的人。They are outsiders, the lowest priority, disposable and quickly forgotten.