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框子是用金属做的。The frame is made of metal.

他把一张画嵌进框子里。Draw a box around your answer.

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他把一张画嵌进框子里。He let a picture into the frame.

在这个框子里画一个自画并涂上颜色。Draw and color a self-portrait in the box.

我想这海报框子挂在我的家里。I want this poster framed and hung in my house.

他从一个框子里取出了一套很大的磁带盘。He took a series of large tape reels from a cupboard.

我至今还把我在学习的那篇文章用框子框在壁炉上。I still have that school paper framed over the fire place.

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难看的框子有损这幅名画的美。The ugly frame detracts from the beauty of the famous picture.

这些可以在框子旁边标注这些组件的描述。These boxes can also hold the descriptions of these components.

把谈话套在学术性探讨的框子里,让候恩不知不觉上钩。Put the talk on the intellectual frame , let Hearn slip into it.

珠子应当在工厂安装,装上框子后发运。Beads shall be fitted at the factory and delivered attached to frames.

对于任何一种运输方式,都得利用SY现有的框子和箱子。For any kind of transport the existing frames and boxes available at SY have to be used.

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他付了一先令,把相片带走,到了住处,就把相片带框子烧了。The frame is a very useful one, if you take out the likeness. You shall have it for a shilling.

两条纯金的链子,要像做绳子一样拧成,把这像绳子的金链结在框子上。And two little chains of the purest gold linked one to another, which thou shalt put into the hooks.

然后,该热门话题故事就会出现在网站“最近主题”页面上方的一个框子里,持续10分钟。From here a trending story will appear in a box above the site's "most recent" page content for ten minutes.

在男性和靠西人像下方画了粗黑的框子,框中绘有两只蝼蛄,头向东。In men and on the bottom of the West drew a bold portrait of the frame, painted two mole cricket box, head east.

窗户框子上装一些简单的金属钉就不会让窗户继续移动,从而抵制罪犯。Simple metal pins placed in the window frames won't allow the window to move any further, keeping criminals out.

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用手机写日志真是麻烦,分段都不方便,就在这么一个小框子完全把我给束缚了。Using mobile phone, writing log trouble isn't very convenient for segmentation, in such a small frame to bondage to me.

他从镜框里拿出他母亲的画像,把它卷了起来,只留下那只镶金边的空框子。Then he took away his mother's portrait, with its oaken frame, leaving the gilt frame from which he took it black and empty.

床头挂着一幅业余画家的画,画面上,一条拾起张帆的船,镀金的框子无法阻挡的汹涌的浪头和风。Above the bed hangs a painting of a ship with seventeen sails, hissing wave crests, and a wind that the gilt frame can't contain.