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那我能吃这甜肉桂麻花了吗?Can I please have the cinnamon twist?

天津的特产是煎饼和麻花。Tianjin's specialties are battercake, twist dessert.

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唯一无二的麻花,唯一无二的好味道。Unique Fried Dough Twishs, Unique Good Taste. Phoebe.

麻花辫子几乎是维吾尔族姑娘的象征了。The dough-twist style plaits are a symbol of Uygur girls.

蜂蜜公爵糖果店里,一个麻花糖果正在神奇地变胖。The Honeydukes candy shop puts a magical twist on getting fat.

你同样可以在特殊场合下将奶油蛋卷做成麻花状。One can also shape the brioche into a braid for special occasions.

介绍了以旋转单叶双曲面作麻花钻钻尖后刀面的数学模型。The mathematical model of the hyperboloid twist drill was introduced.

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他劈叉坐正在椅子上,身上缠着麻花状的绳索,挡住了一部分纹身的上臂。A braided rope is draped around his torso and partially covers his tattooed arms.

两个女孩跟我聊起来,说很喜欢我的麻花头。A couple of cute girls started talking to me, telling me how much they liked my dreads.

如何高效、高精度地加工出合格的麻花钻一直是在探讨的问题。How to machine twist drill high efficiently and high precisely is a problem to discuss.

允许辫成麻花状的面团发酵胀起成为希望的尺寸。Allow the braided dough to rise one last time upon a baking sheet until it is the desired size.

本文主要对国家标准麻花钻螺旋的结构作具体分析和研究。This paper mostly studies the spiral configuration of the country standard twist drill concretely.

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麻花头带适合希望头发不要遮住脸的人,也适合卷发。The Twisted Headbands favor people who want hair out of their face and it also works on curly hair.

虽然也有硬质合金刀尖的钻头,麻花钻一般用高速钢制成。Twist drills are usually made of high-speed steel, although carbide-tipped drills are also available.

应用实例详细介绍了基于使用过程的FMEA在麻花钻钻孔中的应用。The application of FMEA to twist drill based on process of using, as an example is introduced particularly.

我是12区的,上上个星期买了把敏锐麻花,2100买的,这价在我们区还可以。I am a 12 zone, on the last week bought the sharp Serratula, 2100 to buy, and this price can be in our area.

天翼吃着麻花想起小时分跟斌哥还在顾婷一同吃麻花的工作。Physical eating Fried dough twist of small moments with bin brother also work in Gu Ting eat twist together.

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麻花钻钻心部分的几何参数,是决定钻头切削性能的关健因素。The geometry in the web of a twist drill is the key factor determining the cutting performances of the drill.

用一般的麻花钻即可开孔,但应先钻小孔,然后步扩大到所需直径。In general can be twist drill hole, but you should drill holes, step and then expanded to the required diameter.

如果麻花钻在使用过程中出现意外,钻具导向器可以保护病人,使用者或第三方免受伤害。If a twist drill fails during use, the drill guides aid in the protection of the patient, the user, or third party.