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前兆感觉冥界所无所的光!Precursor of the underworld feel nothing of light!

这是夏季抑郁症前兆么???。Is this the summer is depressed disease augural ? ? ?

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一个男人心的破碎会有什么前兆吗?。When does the warning light appear before a man breaks?

构造解析是要对离散性的地震前兆进行构造时空复位。Tectonic analysis makes discrete seismic precursor be restored in time and space.

氦气在林甸5.1级地震前具有明显前兆异常变化。And the helium content anomaly before the Lindian M_S 5.1 earthquake is also notable.

身上长红痣了,还会痒,是代表有什么病症前兆吗?Red mole grows on the body, still can itch, be what disease the delegate has augural ?

在人类身上出现裂谷热疾病的典型前兆是动物感染。The appearance of RVF disease in humans is typically preceded by infection in animals.

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在数字化前兆遥测台网的信号传输链路中,光隔主侧、光隔副侧是一个故障多发点。The main side and secondary side of light insulation are the malfunction prone points.

实验表明铅板电极可以用来记录电场前兆。Experimental results show that lead electrodes can record precursor in electrical field.

在此基础上对地震的水文地球化学前兆机理进行了探讨。Based on this theory, the preseismic hydrogeochemical mechanism is discussed and studied.

所以,这一动态变化过程可以看作是强震前的一种前兆信号。So we may view this dynamic variation as a premonitory symptom of the strong earthquakes.

这些异常进一步表明电磁波接收仪能反映地震前兆。The anomalies showed that the electromagnetic receiver can reflect earthquake precursors.

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该算法能让地震专家在地震预测难题研究中,有效缩小前兆异常研究的范围。The algorithm is helpful for seismologists to diminish the research scale of precursory anomalies.

该方法及思路也可为其他非地震前兆的可信度评估所借鉴。The approach of the above evaluation method can also be applied to other non-earthquake precursors.

介绍强地震前兆观测的一种新方法—次声波法。A new method about measurement of the precursory infrasonic waves of strong earthquake was introduced.

为定量描述这组前兆,我们研究了一组自相似地震活动函数。In order to describe them quantitatively, a set of self-similar seismicity functions has been studied.

表明长白山区是一处地震前兆观测的敏感点。The study shows that the Changbaishan area is a sensitive site for observing the earthquake anomalies.

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济阳坳陷惠民凹陷中央断裂带的油水井产液异常是天然地震前兆。It is the earthquake warning signs of that the produced fluid of well in Huimin Sag come forth anomaly.

对蟾蜍能够感知地震前兆这一联想,在格兰特的研究之前并非没有人注意到。Grant's work is not the first time toads have been associatedwith sensing the precursors of earthquakes.

在应变硬化阶段,可以从未来震源观测到前兆剪切应变率异常条带。In the strain-hardening stage, an effective precursor can be observed from the future earthquake source.