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我们希望为你的成功助一臂之力!We want to be a part of your success!

全垒打助王建民一臂之力,国民胜出。Home runs boost Wang, Nationals to win.

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就算是最成功的人也需要导师来助自己一臂之力。Even the best have mentors they really use.

如今我是为你的成功助一臂之力的老师。And now, I am a mentor helping you to succeed.

如果人们喜欢你,他们会助你一臂之力的。and if people like you, they will help you out.

刀锋想助阿虎一臂之力,救回族人。Blade to help AHu a helping hand, save the hui people.

我刚开始踏入社会的时候,是什么助我一臂之力的?What would have helped me most when I was starting out?

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他的教授大都对他宽宏大量,始终助他一臂之力。Most of his professors were lenient and helped him along.

对你那女性的虚荣心,我根本不会助一臂之力,那是玩具娃娃。I wouldn't give a straw for you female ego-it's a rag doll.

现在请联系我们,让我们的脚轮祝您一臂之力。Now please contact us so that We wish you the casters hand.

人们希望助朋友一臂之力,不愿意违背诺言。People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise.

我本想着你那时能来助我一臂之力的。I would rather you could have come and helped me at that time.

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航行若没有确定的目的港,风绝不会助他一臂之力。No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port.

国王的女儿叶尼佳总是为父亲打胜仗助一臂之力。The King's daughter, Yannenga, always helped him win the battles.

在银行工作不太顺力,好希望有人能助我一臂之力。Work in a bank trouble force, good hope someone can help me a hand.

在情况最恶劣的时候,他来助我一臂之力。When things were at their worst, he came along and gave me a leg up.

是埃他总是乐于助人,常常在关键时刻助人一臂之力。Yeah. He's always ready to help and gives a leg-up in critical time.

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我认为彼得雷乌斯将军在这个问题上能够助麦克尼尔将军一臂之力。And I think General Petraeus can help General McKiernan in doing that.

如果你想消化紫菜,正确的酶会祝你一臂之力。And if you want to digest seaweed, it helps to have the right enzymes.

然而即使再忙你也总能帮着我做题,或助我一臂之力。But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.