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她剪掉了松散的线头。She trimmed off the loose threads.

是否有你不需要的无关线头?Are there extraneous cords you don’t need?

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让我把那根线头从你的裙子上拉掉。Let me pluck away that piece of thread from your skirt.

裤子要称身,然而不要看得见线头。Pants should be fitted, but free of visible panty lines.

不停地拉一根卡通人偶服装松掉的线头,将会发生什么?Pull a loose thread on a cartoon garment and what happens?

抽出根线头,织出条毯子,他经常这么说的。Take a thread and weave a blanket, that’s what he used to say.

尤其在裤耳以及大身部分,我们不想看到大量线头。Especially around the belt loops and inside the body part of the jean.

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也许,一个小线头,对有些人来说,就会觉得质量不好。Perhaps, a small head, some people will think the quality is not good.

再就是,因为线头容易起泡,所以必须用手掌细致地压平。Also, because thrum blister easily, so must use palm meticulous ground flat.

可任意高定线长,线头,线尾及剥线长度。Can be arbitrarily high fixed-line length, lint, thread tail and Strip length.

如果你没有按照正确的顺序找到适当的线头,线团就会更乱。If you don't pull on the right wires in the right order, the mess becomes worse.

拖把头具有很好的液体保持力,不易产生线头。Mophead owns a character of liquid keeping ability, and will not come out thrum.

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高科技无氨配方效清洁没残余条痕或线头。High-tech ammonia free formula cleans effectively without leaving streaks or lint.

就如一根线,为了找到线头,却拉出了一团丝。It was like a thread, to find the end of it you end up pulling out a mess of silk.

但是如果你开始找到的线头就是好的,解开线团会更容易。But if your first pulls are good ones, the untangling becomes easier with each move.

不掉线头,使用后能使产品更加光亮、表面更加丰满。Thrum untearable. Making your product brighter and a more fullness surface after using.

若发现松脱的线头,不要用手去扯断,应用剪刀箭之。If it is found loose lint , not a hand to Break, the application of the scissors arrows.

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与此同时,他用右手捏住小线轴上松了的线头。Also, at the same time, with his right hand, he caught up the loose twine-end of a small bobbin.

从她的走道望去,其他人把操作台上一次性垫子的线头剪掉。Across the aisle from her, others snip loose threads off disposable cushions for operating tables.

你有适合日常使用而且容易拿到并且好记的线头吗?Do you have the cords you use on a regular basis in a place that is easily accessible and well marked?