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上课不能做鬼脸,出洋相。You have ton't do expressions in class.

当他们出洋相的时候。When they make spectacles of themselves.

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上课无所不能做鬼脸,出洋相。You ought ton't do expressions in class.

他在大庭广众中大出洋相。He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.

请不要在公共场合大吵大闹出洋相。Please don't make a scene in public places.

我不会在公从面前出洋相,这就是区别。I don't look silly in public. That's the difference.

看到人们出洋相把他逗笑了。It amused him to see people make fools of themselves.

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有人出洋相,总是很好玩的。It’s always fun to see people make fools of themselves.

她本来想显示一下自己是个能干的女人,结果却大出洋相。She wanted to make a good show of herself, but finally she made a scene.

除此之外,她很厉害,而我大概会在海边让自己大出洋相。Besides that, she's good and I'll probably make an ass of myself at the beach.

开始学习双节棍时,要有出洋相的心理准备。When training with the nunchaku at first, be prepared to look like a bad comedy routine.

该研究为研制解酒药铺平了道路,这样人们再不用担心节日的夜晚喝醉后出洋相了。The research paves the way for a tablet that stops people from making fools of themselves on a night out.

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所以我念些不那么有挑战性的东西,比如装腔作势的纳斯鲁丁毛拉和他那头驴子出洋相的故事。So I read him unchallenging things, like the misadventures of the bumbling Mullah Nasruddin and his donkey.

为了避免出洋相,必须在最后一幕演完,灯光大亮之前醒来。This required that to avoid embarrassment one came to just before the lights went on after the final curtain.

很少有人喜欢在公共场合演讲,原因是我们都怕出洋相,越是重要的演讲心里越恐慌。Speaking in public is most people s least favorite thing. The reason is that we re all afraid of making fools of ourselves.

很少有人喜欢在公共场合演讲,原因是我们都怕出洋相,越是重要的演讲心里越恐慌。Speaking in public is most people's least favorite thing. The reason is that we're all afraid of making fools of ourselves.

像苏珊大妈一样,他在台上也是衣着极不得体,大多数观众觉得他也就是下一个出洋相的疯子。Like Susan Boyle, Zhu arrived on set poorly dressed, and had most people in the audience thinking he was just another nutcase.

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做个焦点人物,但仍要保持酷。不要在公众场合出洋相,但如果你很懊恼,要让全世界都知道。Be a drama queen, but still remain cool. Don't cause a scene in public, but if you pissed off, make sure everyone else knows it!

每天都在叫一群人,卷起袖子,拿着铁锹到外面到处出洋相,我们可没有足够多的士兵去做这些事情。Get a bunch of shovels, and then everybody goes out and busts their ass every day. We just didn’t have enough soldiers to do that.

一个新书发布会上,布丽奇特大出洋相,但美丽性感的她却赢得了上司丹尼尔的好感。At a launch of new books, Bridget made a big spectacle of herself. But she gains Daniel, her boss' heart by her sexy and gorgeous appearance.