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意想不到的是,一个小陨星帮助了他。Unexpectedly , one of the little meteorites came to his help.

有关火星存在生命体的争论主要集中在这块陨星中所发现的磁性晶体上。The debate centres on magnetite crystals found in the meteorite.

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那就是这招“陨星冲击”所要达成的目的。而且,当然,你的敌人身体越壮。That's what Meteor Strike accomplishes. And, of course, the bigger they are.

陨星可蕴含成千上万的有机分子,包括氨基酸。Meteorites can contain thousands of organic molecules, including amino acids.

由于新机器能预测到陨星撞击的放射性坠尘,世界末日可能没那么糟糕。The end of the world might not be that bad, as new model predicts fallout from meteorite strike

陨星如镰刀般劈开海水,在海床上凿出一个数英里深,直径约100英里长的圆形大坑。It scythed through the sea and gouged a hole miles deep and 100 miles across into the ocean floor.

包括巨大的陨星似乎要撞上地球时所带来的恐慌的那一集。This included a strip about the panic unleashed when it seemed a giant meteorite would hit the earth.

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你这一瞬间粗心的礼物像秋夜的陨星,在我存在的深处松江喷砂除锈的价格,南翔金属喷砂机加工着了火。Your careless gifts of a moment , like the meteors of an autumn night, catch fire the depth of my being.

那么,既然可能是陨星造成了恐龙的灭绝,今天的我们是否应该对天空心存惧意?So, if a meteor helped to wipe out the dinosaurs, does this mean we should be terrified of the skies today?

地球上,死亡的浪潮席卷而来。在这个由陨星引起的,长达数十年的严冬中,植物和动物,逐渐消失灭迹。Across the world a wave of mass deaths began, plants and animals perishing in a decade-long asteroid winter.

但是建议看星星的人们在黎明前的几小时内观看,以达到对于“陨星”的最好观察。But stargazers are advised to watch in the hours before dawn to get their best views of the "shooting stars".

但批评人士认为,这枚陨星是在热分解的化学过程中形成的。Critics, however, suggested that the magnetite was formed by a chemical process called thermal decomposition.

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近日,美国宇航局发现火星曾存在生物体的“有力证据“,这一结论是在该机构对一枚陨星进行重新检测后得出的。Nasa has found what it calls “strong evidence” that life once existed on Mars after re-examining a meteorite.

由于火山爆发和陨星的撞击,类似于月球上的环形山地在地球上产生了。Craters resembling those on the moon are produced on the earth both by volcanic activity and by meteoric impact.

给怀特的样品做过分析的,还有一些资深科学家,其中有发现南极陨星的科学家。The sample do to white, and some of the analysis, a senior scientist discovered the Antarctic meteors scientist.

与来自月球或是火星的陨星不同的是,这里的陨星是来自太阳系形成的遗骸。Most meteorites, other than the ones known to come from the Moon or Mars, are relics from the formation of the solar system.

这个新闻说,起初人们认为从天空降落到特伦顿使许多人丧命的物体是陨星。According to the broadcast, out of the heavens, objects at first believed to be meteors crashed down near Trenton , killing many.

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与铁陨星存在许多联系,后者通常呈淡红色,被认为是更大星体的核碎片。These have been associated with iron meteorites, are usually reddish and thought to be fragments of the cores of much larger objects.

我们亲爱的老波尔像一颗陨星一样出现在那里,一块巨大的呆板的石头从太空中坠下,带着古怪莫名的笑脸。Dear old Polly is out there like a meteorite, a big lump of dead rock falling through space with a weirdly sourceless smile on its face.

对于形成的原因,一开始认为是陨星的撞击造成的,但现在地质学家认为是地壳隆起和腐蚀的结果。The formation was originally thought to be caused by a meteorite impact but now geologists believe it is a product of uplift and erosion.