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我是前年夏天的时候读的。I read it the summer before last.

李教授十前年退休的。Perfessor Lee retired ten years ago.

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前年息上了脊位炎。In first annual interest keel position inflammation.

前年。他是1993年照得那张像片。The year before last. He took that photograph in 1993.

我们全力拥护新前年的发展目标。We have fully embraced the Millennium Development Goals.

还记得杰克逊前年来的时候的踩踏事件了?Still remember the stampede when MJ came the year before?

比之前年的1011个亿万富翁,如今全球有1210个。There are now 1,210 billionaires in the world, up from 1,011 last year.

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比之前年的1011个亿万富翁,如今全球有1210个。There are now 1, 210 billionaires in the world, up from 1, 011 last year.

三氯生是一种强效抗菌剂,近50前年研制。Triclosan is a powerful anti-bacterial that was developed nearly 50 years ago.

前年我们也曾有过一次这样的经历,发生在我们的另一只可卡犬上。We had gone through this once before last year with another one of our cockers.

前年,我同学的爸爸就是连车带人滚下去了。Two years ago, the father of my classmates even rolling car with people any longer.

他前年赢得一枚金牌,大前年赢得一枚银牌。The year before last he win a gold medal, and the year before that he win the silver.

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前年站在这里的是比尔·盖茨先生,他是一个超级富翁、一个慈善家和电脑高手。The year before, Bill Gates, the mega-billionaire philanthropist and computer nerd stood here.

据报道,前年,25岁的张某交通肇事后逃逸,几天前刚被警方逮住。The then 25-year-old man surnamed Zhang committed the hit-and-run and was arrested only recently.

在接受之前,看看他们去年推荐的那些股票表现如何吧。还有前年的。Before you do, take a look at how their recommendations fared last year. And the years before that.

她说前年看到启动马拉松比赛的清晨礼花大受鼓舞。She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before.

那是前年年关时节,我回家过年,二哥在外带回一只小花狗。It was the upcoming spring festival of the year before last when I came back home for the spring festival.

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1934年出生于意大利北部,在转向时装界发展之前年轻的阿尔墨尼曾经想过要当一名医生。Born in Northern Italy in 1934, the young Armani had thought of becoming a doctor before he turned to fashion.

前年一位以色列诗人把我网站上的几首诗翻译成希伯莱语,张贴在一个世界诗网站上。A couple of years ago, a poet from Israel translated some of my poems into Hebrew and posted them on a Web site.

这颗恒星很可能是银河系几十亿前年与其他星系碰撞时最原始的一部分。It's possible the star was originally part of the Milky Way when it collided with the other galaxy billions of years ago.