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她上岁数了。She is getting on in years.

结果一位上岁数的人死在了船上。One old man died on board, " says Hassan."

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“得生活下去。回忆是上岁数人的事,”他曾经说道。"Seek to live. Remembrance is for the old, " he said.

他上岁数了,他经常想起年轻时的岁月。He is getting old and he often think of the time when he was young.

一到埃尔帕索的市中心,我就在街角上遇见一个上岁数的流浪汉。Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I met an old man, a bum , on the street corner.

你上岁数时,我会给你修剪指甲,帮你除去闹心的白发。When you are advanced in years, I will trim your nails, help you remove your annoying white hairs.

上岁数的楼梯吱呀吱呀的发出家里的人上下楼时应该发出的响声。The stairs creaked and groaned and made lots of noises that stairs make when a family has gone up and down them for ages.

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亨利是世界上岁数最大的人,也是一战5个幸存者之一,他留给世界的将是失落的一代的共同记忆。As the oldest man in the world, and one of five survivors of World War One, his legacy will be the memories he shared of a lost generation

花园社区的李大爷说,上岁数的人走不了远路,有了摆渡车就解决了步行和安全问题。Uncle Li, who lives in the Garden Community, praises that the ferry bus makes it easier and safer for those who are too old to walk a long distance.

在那个年代,痰盂会被放在厨房甚至是客厅的摇椅旁,供那些吸烟或是嚼烟草的上岁数的男人使用。Spittoons were placed on the floor beside the rocking chair in the kitchen,①or even in the living room. They were used by older men who smoked or chewed tobacco.