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我和我的助理。No, I and my assistant.

是去当经理助理。As an assistant manager!

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我的妻子是我的助理。My wife is my assistant.

佬司的一个助理。One of Lars’s associates.

他是经理助理。He is the manger assistant.

或是风笛手的助理?The Pied Piper's assistant?

为您的助理倒杯咖啡。Bring your assistant coffee.

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耶鲁大学人类学系的研究助理,加里.阿龙森说,“它是非常隐秘的动物,我们对它几乎一无所知。”It is a very cryptic animal.

电脑机房助理。Computer help desk assistant.

他们是研发助理。They are Research Assistants.

他们有助理专门做这个。They have assistants for that.

白晓淞,研究助理。Riqiang Lin, Research Assistant.

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律师助理詹妮弗·洛佩兹Jennifer Lopez, the Legal Assistant

我不能聘你为我的助理。I cannot accept you as my assistant.

他是新任命的校长助理。He was appointed ambassador to Sweden.

谢谢你的助理,网络。再见。Tha goodk you for your help. Good-bye.

等等,那么,你现在是个人助理了?Wait. So, you're gonna be a P. A. now?

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最终职务做到经理助理。The final postion is manager assistant.

想成为一名助理法官或公证人。Want to be an assistant judge or notary.

他被任为那报纸的助理编辑。He was made assistant editor on the paper.