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我喜欢把他气得鼻头出火。I enjoy getting a rise out of him.

对于鼻头脱皮有什么办法么?What idea to have to nose desquamate?

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但有时确实能见到部分拉拉的鼻头是粉的。But I see some Labradors with a pinkish nose.

鼻头上的痣代表大不幸。Moles on the tip of the nose signify major misfortune.

他人长得胖,鼻头和嘴巴部分显出一副不合时宜的可怜相。He was fat and looked shopworn around the nose and mouth.

她将拥有一个希腊式鼻子,还是要个玫瑰花瓣似的翘鼻头?Will she have a grecian nose or one tip-tilted like petal of rose?

阿拉蕾是个可爱的小姑娘,肉肉的脸蛋、小鼻头、大眼睛。Arale is a cute little girl with chubby cheeks, a button nose and large eyes.

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她的相貌没有多大的改变,鼻头还是有着几颗淘气的痘痘。Her appearance has not much changed, nose, or How many pieces naughty with acne.

它们一无所知,对什么也漠不关心,只管把长鼻头扎进秣囊里。Damn all they know or care about anything with their long noses stuck in nosebags.

瞬间来历,他就看见耗子的尖鼻头从木头食槽下面探出来。In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.

小林选择了下巴植入手术和缩小鼻头的手术,除此之外还做了双眼皮。Lim opted for a chin implant and narrowing of her nose, in addition to double eyelids.

莎拉把汤姆带出来,到坟墓旁边,一抹白色的防晒霜横在他的鼻头上。Sarah brings out Tom to the side of the grave, a white smear of sun cream streaking across his nose.

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如果您是山根及鼻头均塌或您想做外国人的鼻型则建议用L型。If your nose is nasal tip depressed or you want to have a western-style nose, you should use L rhinoplasty.

爸爸早上刮胡子被大树看到了,他也要求要刮。爸爸在他的鼻头点了一点泡沫。Dashu saw dad shaving in the morning, he wanted some too. Dad gave him a bit of foam at the tip of his nose.

同其它怪兽一样,我也有棕色的皮毛,头顶两只大角,鼻头冒出来的是第三只角。Like most other monsters, I have brown hair, two horns on my head and one sticking out of the top of my snout.

由于而孔中部油脂分泌较多,此类皮肤者的额头、鼻头、嘴唇上下方经常生出粉刺。As more and Kong and Central oil secretion, such skin's forehead, nose, lips and bottom often give birth to acne.

公元1066年。征服者威廉。被一箭穿眼的哈罗德国王。戴着护鼻头盔的士兵。The date 1066. William the Conqueror. King Harold with the arrow in his eye. Soldiers in those nose-protector helmets.

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一个男人可以秃顶,可以超重好几十磅,可以皮肤不好或者大鼻头,但是仍然可以被认为是吸引人的。A man can be bald, or carry a few dozen extra pounds, or have bad skin or a big nose, and still be considered attractive.

那只狗整个剥了皮,从鼻头到尾巴尖都光溜溜的,躺在市场肉铺的案板上好似一座白色的大理石雕像。It was skinned whole, from the nose to the tip of the tail, and it lay on the market butcher's slab like a white marble statue.

只需要在前额、鼻头、颧骨和下巴处扑上一点点古铜色粉就能得到梦寐以求的日晒效果。A light swish of powder bronzer on the forehead, nose, cheekbones , and chin was all it took to achieve that sun-kissed glow they desired.