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本发明涉及植苗机。The present invention relates to a planting machine.

定植以植苗造林为主,辅助进行播种造林和分殖造林。The seedlings were mainly used with complement of seeds and root divisions.

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本文对播种造林和植苗造林进行了分析和研究。In this paper, sowing afforestation and reforestation were analyzed and researched.

冬季和春季都以S33光照处理为最优,即适度遮阴有利于香蕉假植苗的生长发育。The S33 light system was the best to growth of banana seedlings in spring or winter.

麦冬植苗前,淹灌土壤,犁耙后作成水稻秧田状,经澄实再进行植苗。Before replanting Ophiopogon Japonicus, flood the soil, plough it and make it like paddy.

解决的主要办法是改传统的直播造林为植苗造林。The measures to solve these problems are to change the sowing afforestation to the planting.

移植苗因其根系发达,造林成活率高,目前在造林绿化中应用最为广泛。Due to prosperous root system and high survival rate, transplants were applied widely in forestation.

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若物种选择柽柳,成活率不高,但可采用容器储水植苗的方法提高成活率。If planting species is Tamarix spp. adopting planting method in the water storage container increases survival.

株距与行距、穴插植苗数的互作也对产量有极显著影响。The interaction among plant spacing, row spacing and number of seedlings per hole had significant effect on yield, too.

对杨树植苗和插干造林进行造林对比试验,共设2个区3组。The cuttage forestation was compared with stock planting forestation in the test, in which 2 plots and 3 groups were set.

将草莓匍匐茎苗种在经过处理的培养土中,置于温室培养4周使其产生移植苗。Strawberry runner tips were planted in treated potting mix and maintained in a greenhouse for 4 weeks to produce plug transplants.

本论文研究了接干和施肥对不同初植苗高五年生泡桐生长的影响。This paper dealt with the effect of grafting and fertilizing on five-year-old paulownia trees growth on different height seedlings.

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造林方法是指造林的具体方法。包括播种造林、植苗造林和分殖造林三种。Planting method is a specific method of afforestation including seeding afforestation, reforestation and sub-yield afforestation of planting.

在荒漠植被难以自然发生的次生裸地,当不易获得水源时,可采用无灌溉人工植苗造林和直播造林方法进行植被恢复重建。Planting and seeding can restore and reconstruct vegetation in without irrigation region on condition that water is short in secondary bare land.

研究了桉树萌生林、桉树植苗林、灌草丛和马尾松林地土壤中过氧化氢酶、蔗糖转化酶及脲酶的活性变化。The experiment studied the activity of invertase, glucose oxidase and β-galactosidase and the influence of enzymatic activity on the reducing sugar conversion rate.

植苗袋法栽植山杏试验,是半干旱地区造林新技术研究的主要内容。Cultivating experiment of Prunus armeniaca by using pocket-transplanting method is one of the investigation contents about new forestation techniques in semi-arid area.

通过大田试验研究比较了营养袋假植苗与一段式漂浮苗移栽后生长发育、叶绿体色素和经济性状的差异。In this research, tobacco development, content of chlorophyll and economical character were considered between nourishment-bag temporary planting seedling and float seedling.

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在华北石质低山干旱阳坡,提高油松植苗造林成活率及生长量的关键,在于蓄水保墒。The key techniqure to improve the survival and growth of Pinus tabulaeformis on dry south sides in lower rocky mountain in North China is to keep water for raising soil moisture.

本文通过试验证实了扦插根系发育质量与倒苗时根系木质化程度是影响定植苗成活的关键。The experiments, proved that developmental quality of root system of cutting seedling and lignification degree of root system during seedling-laying are key factors to influence survival rate.

通过长白落叶松播种苗和移植苗分级造林成活率和生长量的比较研究,建立了苗木质量与造林效果的关系。The relationship between seedling quality and outplanting performances was established through comparing the survival rate and the growth of seedlings and transplanted seedlings between grades.