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对丙酮是一样的。Same for acetone.

而丙酮是溶剂。And the acetone is the solvent.

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它大于x丙酮p星丙酮。It's bigger than x acetone p star acetone.

简单的一个是丙酮,还有二硫化碳。An easy one is acetone. And carbon disulfide.

那么发生的是,你有丙酮,它是这个。So what happens is, you have acetone, it's this.

选用乙酰丙酮比色法直接测定。Direct acetylacetone colorimetric method was used.

不要使用清洁剂、丙酮、酒精等清洁榨汁机。Don't clean the juicer with cleaner, acetone or alcohol.

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我在笔记中写了一个,它是丙酮和氯仿。I've got one in the notes, it's just acetone and chloroform.

报道了乙酰丙酮铟的合成方法。A synthesis method of indium tris acetylacetonate is introduced.

在粘接前的最后一秒钟,我用丙酮冲洗它。At the last second before it gets bonded I rinse it with acetone.

拿一块干净的抹布或蘸有丙酮的布擦拭接合处。II. Take a clean rag or cloth with acetone and apply to the joint.

发现京尼平及丙酮醛试剂结果相似。Similar results were found for genipin and methylglyoxal reagents.

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这两个氨基酸从丙酮酸获得它们的碳架。These two amino acids derive their carbon skeletons from pyruvate.

目的探索丙酮氰醇中毒机制。Objective To study the mechanisms of acetone cyanohydrin intoxication.

但我恐怕我要,表现真是情况,丙酮的p星。But I'm afraid I'm going to have to go with reality. p star for acetone.

实验结果表明只有丙酮在此波长处可与水形成质子化团簇。The results showed that only acetone can formed protonated cluster ions.

本文研究了酒石酸合成丙酮酸钠的工艺。This article studies the synthesis of sodium pyruvate from tartaric acid.

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在下面某个地方,是A的p星,就是说,丙酮的p星。And somewhere down here will be p star for A, that is, p star for acetone.

在水中易溶,在乙醇、丙酮或冰醋酸中不溶。Soluble In water and insoluble in ethanol, acetone or glacial acetic acid.

对蛋壳为原料制备丙酮酸钙的工艺条件进行了研究。The technological processing of calcium Pyruvate form egg shell is studied.