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他们誓言和校长到法院对簿公堂。They pledged to challenge the rectors in court.

不料不到两年,双方就对簿公堂。Be less than two years unexpectedly, both sides litigates.

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我们没有对簿公堂,如果我们想,在数年之前就已经完成了。We're not litigating. If we wanted to we would have done so years ago.

在很多州,在夫妇对簿公堂之前,这种调节过程是义务的。In many states, the use of such mediation is mandatory before parents can litigate custody issues.

多年来,诸如1913年Gott与Berea学院对簿公堂的案例,美国法庭是支持案件中存在“代替父母”行为的。For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in 1913.

29家跨国制药公司竟然于2001年与南非政府对簿公堂。In 2001, the South African government was taken to court by 29 multinational pharmaceutical companies.

当天下午他们还将在越秀区法院与另外一家网吧对簿公堂。They still will be in that day afternoon court of more beautiful district and an Internet bar litigate.

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在过去18个月里,银行们不断因为给不确定的收购交易提供贷款而与客户对簿公堂。For the past 18 months, banks have been pitted against clients in legal disputes over the financing of wayward deals.

假如收到传票,我们也会对传票进行评估,在必要的情况下甚至不惜对簿公堂。If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate.

一位老山民和年轻的妻子闹离婚对簿公堂,可对孩子的监护权问题很难处理。An old mountaineer and his young wife were getting a divorce in the local court. But custody of the children was a problem.

拉齐奥已经和贝赫拉米对簿公堂,以防止他利用FIFA第17条离开俱乐部。Lazio have taken winger Valon Behrami to court in order to prevent him from leaving the Stadio Olimpico under FIFA Article 17.

虽然我们不提倡采取浪费人力物力的对簿公堂之作法,但姑息仁忍有时会给下一个心术不正者提供绝佳的参考案例。Though we do not advocate solving things in the courtroom, it is a good reference for bad character person to do such kind thing.

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马叟晚年不如意,和政府机关、包商对簿公堂,追讨他认为对方欠自己的钱。Mr. Massau spent his later years unhappily, in court with government agencies and contractors seeking money he believed he was owed.

我们的业藏著的种子,跟著我们走,到时候善恶,摊在阎罗王面前对簿公堂。Only karmic seeds in our consciousness will follow us. All our good and bad deeds will be laid bare for the King of Hell to judge us.

当某人的贷款违约时,银行除了与之对簿公堂,或是厉声恐吓之外,还有什么办法?What’s a bank to do when a person defaults on his loan payments, doesn’t respond to legal notices, and isn’t intimidated by tough talk?

金钱是夫妻发生争执的首要原因,同时也是导致夫妻最终离婚对簿公堂的三大问题之一。Money is the number one reason why couples fight, and it’s one of the top three issues that eventually cause a couple to end up in divorce court.

有专家指出,只有极少数的女性敢于因不公平的招聘条款,或者因妊娠或产假而遭解雇,或者因性骚扰,去与雇主对簿公堂。Only a few women dare to sue employers for unfair hiring practices, dismissal on grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave, or sexual harassment, experts say.

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变性人的支持者们表示这个禁止变性人结婚的议案带有歧视的意味。如果变性人需要对簿公堂的话,那他们合法的婚姻关系将面临无效的危险。One of the Republican sponsors of the legislation said he's simply trying to clean up the 2009 law in a state that bans same-sex marriage under the Constitution.

尽管他们的长寿值得称赞,但他们对权位的贪恋往往导致家庭成员对簿公堂。Although that longevity is praiseworthy, their reluctance to hand over the reins of their empires often leads to family members battling one another in the courts.

台湾前领导人陈水扁不服罪,请求其妻吴淑珍一起对簿公堂。局势比较微妙。Taiwan's previous leader Chen Shuibian discliamed his crime and demanded to summon his wife. So the situation is likely to be the couple took the dispute into court.