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欢迎各地厂家垂询。Welcome to contact around the factory.

欢迎阁下垂询、合作!Welcomer your excellency refer, cooperate!

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欢迎广大新老客户垂询。Welcome the new and old customer inquiries.

欢迎广大客户垂询或亲临我公司参观指导、业务洽谈!Welcome to visit or in person at our direction!

欢迎各届人士来人、来电垂询!We welcome all enquiries, in person or by phone!

拓步展翼的开源公司期待着您的垂询。Kai Yuan company is looking forward to your asking.

未尽事宜,欢迎电话垂询!All pending issues, welcome to telephone to inquire!

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欢迎联系广东省外经贸厅王先生或赖先生垂询。For inquiries, please contact Mr. Wang or Mr. Lai of GDDOFTEC.

欢迎广大用户来厂洽谈,具体事宜敬请垂询。Welcomes the user to plant talks, concrete matters if stopped.

垂询请来电,也可来信或发邮件。For consultation, please telephone us, send us letters or email.

公司全体员工随时欢迎新老客户的垂询。Company staff is ready to welcome all new and old customers call.

真诚希望与各界朋友携手合作,欢迎来电垂询!Sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, welcome to contact us!

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我们将竭诚欢迎您的惠顾和垂询!We will welcome you wholeheartedly your help and deigned to inquire!

如有任何垂询,欢迎致电本公司客户服务部2827-1233。Please contact our Customer Service Department at 2827-1233 for enquiry.

可供逾32,686种纺织配件和器材,恭请垂询。More than 32,686 kinds of spare parts are available for textile machinery.

我公司是意大利卡士妥的中国分部,主营制冷设备配件的批量进口,欢迎垂询。We are China branch of Castel Italy, expert in the field of refrigeration.

您的垂询将始终高度赞赏,并回答了24个小时。Your inquiries will be always highly appreciated and replied within 24 hours.

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价格公道、热情周到的服务定会令您满意。欢迎来电垂询!Fair prices, warm and thoughtful service will satisfy you. Welcome to call us!

我们挚诚欢迎国内外广大客户光临惠顾并来函垂询!We sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad to visit and your inquiries!

以上节目为我团部分节目不详之处敬请致电垂询!The above programs for our unknown, please call the contact portion of the show!