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但公共卫生措施不能避免早婚。But public health cannot prevent early marriage.

早婚有地区,语言,宗教,等级因素。Child marriage spans continents, language, religion, caste.

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那里不再反对早婚早育。Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.

为了远离性诱惑,他相信早婚。To keep away from sexual temptation, he believed in early marriages.

青年男女一定要克制早婚的欲望。Young men and women must quench their desire to marry early in life.

他们也有在世界上早婚孟加拉国率最高的国家之一。They also have one of the highest rates of early marriage in the world in Bangladesh.

早婚造成了社区之间的差距,加强了贫穷的循环。Early marriage fosters the gap between communities and reinforces the cycle of poverty.

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有研究发现,早婚印度女性的孩子更有可能患营养不良。Some studies show that Indian girls who marry young are more likely to have malnourished children.

他们更有可能产生行为问题,或者离家出走,或者早婚早育。They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves.

当剩女终于出嫁的时候,早婚的基本已在闹离婚了。Get married eventually when remnant daughter when, of marring too early already was in basically make a divorce.

但对比现在这个女人到了40岁还在对结婚对象挑三拣四的年代,算是早婚了。But comparative this woman arrived 40 years old to still be in right marriage now the time with choice object, be marring too early.

我所讲过的关于地老鼠的故事,非常清楚地说明男孩子并不比女孩子更喜欢早婚。That the boys liked this little better than the girls is very clearly evident from the story I have already told of the Field Mouse.

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调查发现早婚的家庭可能更幸福。此次调查是由德克萨斯大学的社会学教授诺费尔·葛兰设计分析的。A survey designed and analyzed by University of Texas sociology professor Norval Glenn found that early weddings may make for happy marriages.

在夏天初期我接触到那些早婚的女孩子时候,我曾听过一个老鼠和大象的故事。I heard the story of the rat and the elephant one day in early summer, some weeks into my time among girls who are expected to marry very young.

但是公众舆论是如此强大地支持早婚,以至于你不敢反对它,所以你从未坦诚地质询过这种迷信的做法。But public opinion is so strongly in favour of early marriage that you dare not go against it and so you never honestly inquire into this superstition.

早婚不等于轻率地结婚,现在谁一问我为什么要早婚,我会回答,因为想早点金婚啊!Marring too early is not equal to imprudent ground to marry, asks why I want marring too early now, I can reply, because think breakfast golden wedding ah!

早婚,那是封建社会和部落社会中才有的现象,在文明社会中,早婚是不道德的,也为法律所不容。Underage marriages take place only in the past feudal times and tribal societies. From the civilisation perspective, it is immoral and not permitted by law.

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我国著名的优生学家潘光旦先生在近代对早婚、近亲结婚、同姓结婚等问题的看法并非如现在一些学者所介绍的那样持简单反对的态度。Quentin Pan was the famous eugenicist in modern China. He did not argue simply against Marry-early, Intermarry and Same surname marry as some scholars declared.

当然,有些因女朋友怀了身孕而身不由己决定早婚的男人,不在以上讨论内容之内。Of course, some conceived pregnancy because of the girlfriend and cannot help doing sth decides the man of marring too early, not be in above discussion content.

家里的暴力与早婚和强迫婚姻相关性强,所以这些做法是妇女和女童面临的许多问题背后的根源。These practices underlie many of the problems faced by women and girls, as there is a strong correlation between domestic violence and early and forced marriage.