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干杯!我的水手们!Drink up! My hearties!

她戴着顶水手帽。She wears a sailor hat.

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那水手离船上岸。The sailor went ashore.

她的丈夫是个水手。Her husband is a sailor.

我是西雅图水手队的球迷。I'm a Seattle Mariners fan.

大力水手新的最爱?Popeye's New Favorite Food?

是的,我想成为一名水手。Yes, I want to be a sailor.

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他装扮成水手。He garbed himself as a sailor.

水手们降下了救生艇。The sailors lowered a lifeboat.

他喜欢穿成水手He liked to dress up as a sailor.

他曾是一位长期跑船的水手。He had been a long-serving sailor.

孤零零的哀歌将不会唤醒水手。Monody shall not wake the mariner.

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像为死去的水手敲响丧钟That ring the dead seaman’s knell.

老水手满是皱纹的脸。The rugged face of the old sailor.

蒂龙是最不适合当水手的人吗?。Is Tyrone the last man to go to sea?

玛丽卖弄风骚挑逗水手。Mary teased sailors with her charms.

一水手在直布罗陀弃职离船。One sailor jumped ship at Gibraltar.

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那个水手常常梦到家。The sailor often dreamed about home.

我要变得比大力水手更强壮。And I try to be stronger than Popeye.

有唇上长须的西班牙水手And Spanish sailors with bearded lips