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我闻到你的气味了,臭小子!I smell you, boy!

小子,你找死!Boy, you quest die!

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这小子是谁?Who is this weeny ?

这小子还击了。The kid fought back.

而且若文斯就是那小子怎么办?Plus, what if it's Vince?

你是什么人,小子?Who are you then, sirrah?

不喜欢你的稀粥吗,小子?On't like your gruel, boy?

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这小子把一切事情都弄糟了。The kid duffed everything.

不喜欢你的稀粥吗,小子?Don t like your gruel, boy?

还是膝上带疤的年轻小子。Or young with scabby knees.

你小子,你怎么能弃我而去?Now, how could you leave me?

那小子就是我的斯诺登。Boy right there's my Snowden.

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你小子别跟我耍花活儿。Don't get smart with me kiddo.

你恨那老小子入骨,对吧?Hated the old fellow, did you?

但演得却是一个被宠坏的毛头小子。He is just a brat spoiled kid.

四个小子,一个闺女,全都活着!Four hims and a her. All alive!

不,先生,我不会叫你臭小子的。No, sir, I won't call you prick.

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那小子是个老油条。That guy is a slippery customer.

你是电视上的那个傻小子!You're that bloke off the telly!

看到那小子就烦。To see that fellow makes me sick.